Page 5 of Spicy (Bad Boy Rockers 2)
This isn’t good. “I don’t mind walking, but, um, what about Phoenix? He’s going to shitabrick when he finds out we walked. You know that right?” I get moving as she opens the door.
“He won’t ‘shitabrick’ as you quite eloquently put it, if you don’t tell him.” She grins at me. I roll my eyes.
We step into the elevator. “I’m not going to say anything. I have enough trouble with his friend without adding your hunk to the list.”
“Hmm.” With a dreamy look on her face, she leans against the mirrored wall inside this moving cage.
I try not to think about being in here too much before I start to hyperventilate. I do not do well in confined spaces, especially in the middle of crowds. Real tight packed crowds that is. I’m okay if there’s some room to breathe. In fact, I’m only going tonight because we have passes to go backstage with the guys, which also makes me feel sick. Why? Reece.
“He is a hunk.”
I blink, trying to remember what we were talking about. Phoenix!
The elevator doors open. Stepping out, I say, over my shoulder, “He’s not as well built as Reece.”
“Oh please.” Catching up to me, she gives me a sideways look. “I can’t believe you’re throwing him in my face after what he did to you.”
“Me either. God, I need a drink.” I wrap my arm around Thalia’s as we walk outside the hotel. “We can get drinks backstage right? Please tell me we can.”
“Callie, you’re being an idiot. It’s a club. What do you think they serve? Orange juice?”
Chapter 2
Sprawled across the sofa in the room we’ve been given to chill out in, I try to ignore Phoenix’s nerves. At least that’s what I’m putting his pacing down to. I have my ball cap pulled low over my eyes, but I can still see his fucking shadow.
I count to ten in my head before I explode. Pulling my cap lower, I close my eyes, but when I do I still see Callie, shock filling her face when I walked out and left her without a word. She’s plagued my damn dreams since, which is a fucker. The only way to forget the last image I saw of her is to get drunk so I sleep like the dead because if I’m sober the minute my eyes shut she’s there. Sitting on the bed in her room back in the hotel in Alabama with the sheet clutched in her hands, covering her breasts. Her blonde hair cascading down her back all messy because of my fingers, her lips all red and swollen from my kisses.
She’s my obsession. I’ve never been plagued with dreams about someone I’ve fucked before. But Callie. I can’t get her out of my fucking head. Half the time she acted so innocent and the other half she acted so fucking hot that she blew my mind. Sweet beautiful Callie. I royally fucked up and my breathing picks up imagining her with someone else. I literally see red when I think about her naked and someone else putting his mouth, hands and body on – in hers. “Sonovabitch!” I jump up off the sofa, crashing straight into Phoenix.
“What the fucks your problem?” His eyes flash at the opportunity to get into it with me and I can tell that he’s pissed.
He usually isn’t in the best of moods until he has Thalia with him. Which come to think about it, why isn’t she with him now?
I frown. Only just realizing she’s usually here by now. “Where’s Thalia?”
Phoenix quickly looks at Donovan before looking back to me. What the fucks going on?
Looking between the pair of them, my nerves tighten and I just know they’re going to say the last thing I want to hear.
“I’m getting outta here.” Phoenix is out the door before I can even blink.
Donovan starts to fidget and won’t meet my eyes when I turn toward him.
“Fuckin’ bastard.” I stare at him. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Looking resigned, Donovan stands and faces me, his feet shift into a fighting stance as though he’s expecting me to rush him. “I can’t. Thalia and Phoenix talked her into coming up here. It’s not fair to her, having to stay away from her friends because you fucked up.” He shakes his head and his eyes narrow as my fists clench in frustration. “If it’s any consolation, they only managed to get her up here because she has a thing for Luke. So you don’t have anything to worry about. She’ll be throwing herself at Luke’s feet instead, so basically, you’re off the hook.”
Luke? Gritting my teeth, I snarl, “Who the fuck is Luke?” Trying not to lose my temper with Donovan.
“Rebel Walking. One of her favorite bands.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Why are you bothered? You left her in the middle of well…you know. So why are you bothered who Luke is?”
“Stop playing with my fuckin’ head. You don’t know what the shit you’re talking about.” I can feel my fists clenching all of their own accord and rage flows through me. I have an almost uncontrollable urge to hit something…even him if he keeps talking.
Donovan takes a warning step forward, his eyes fill with his own rage, but it does nothing to quell my urge to hit him. “Reece, you need to face the fact, you screwed up big time. She deserved to be treated ten times better than the way you treated her. She trusted you and you blew it. You don’t have any say who she goes with.” With that, he takes a step back and moves across the room, but I can still see his anger in the tightness of his stance.
My lip curls in derision. It’s a good move on his part as my fists are itching to be used. I try to breathe, but there isn’t enough oxygen in the room. I feel as though I’m suffocating.