Page 20 of Spicy (Bad Boy Rockers 2)
He starts to climb off me, but I tighten my arms on his. “Reece…”
“Shush. Let me clean you up.”
I let my hands fall back to the bed and watch him walk to the bathroom, in all his naked glory.
Staring up at the ceiling, I start to wonder what the hell is wrong with me. Why can’t I stop throwing myself at this man? He’s hurt me more than anyone, but I still go back for more.
“Ah.” I jump as a warm cloth hits my stomach. Kneeling between my legs, he uses the cloth to wipe his cum from me, which I’m kinda covered in and by the smirk on Reece’s face I’d say he’s enjoying the fact.
I don’t say anything and watch him as he looks at my body; his eyes becoming hooded the more he stares.
My want and need is telling me to stay in bed with him all day, but my brain, which has started to function again, is telling me to dress and leave. This is so damn awkward not to mention frustrating.
“You’re thinking too hard.”
Taking a deep breath, I say, “And we need to dress. We’re leaving today.”
I start to roll off the bed, but Reece stops me by grabbing hold of my ankle. I meet his eyes and see questions that I’m not sure how to answer staring back at me. Ignoring everything in his eyes, I go on the counter defensive, “You said you’d tell me what happened… You were in bed with me and without a word you went running off to another woman. If you needed to leave because you didn’t want to be with me, you only had to…”
He covers my mouth with his hand, lying against me, but keeping his weight off the top of me by resting his elbows beside my face. “Callie, I fucked up okay. I admit it. Something happened and I had to leave quickly. I didn’t want to leave you, but Dahlia needed me more than you did right then.”
I try to talk but he keeps his fingers over my mouth.
“I can’t tell you about Dahlia because it’s her story to tell, but I can tell you that I’ve never had any kind of sex with her. Not once. And I never will… And now you know more than the guys because they think every time I slip out back at Ryder’s with her that she’s blowing me, but that’s what we let everyone believe. I trust you to keep that to yourself.”
Should I believe him? I want to. He seems sincere but why would he let everyone think she’s ‘blowing’ him. That doesn’t make sense. I’m looking deep into his eyes trying to read the truth in them. He looks tormented though, so I reach up and caress his face with my hands, bringing him down to me for a gentle kiss.
He sighs against my lips before pulling away.
“It doesn’t make sense,” I whisper. “You letting everyone think she’s…well,” I wave my arms around, searching for the right thing to say, “blowing you…but I’ll leave it…for now.” I take a deep breath and ask something that I know is going to break the loved feeling we have going on right now, “The woman. Last night…” I shake my head.
“Donovan had been ragging on me about you. Being an ass, I walked off not wanting to face what I’d done, and grabbed the first chick who looked game. The second time was because I was jealous seeing you enjoying yourself with someone other than me… And in the interest of completely cleaning the air between us,” he gulps, “she blew me in the band room before the gig…and later…fuck…I had you in my head both times. When I came in the condom, I shouted your name…that didn’t go down too well… So now you know everything.”
I’m trying to take in everything that he’s telling me. We haven’t spoken for weeks and now we’re naked in bed, with his big body lying on top of me and talking as though…he has real feelings for me. I honestly don’t want to think about what I caught him doing last night and in truth I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel knowing that it was me he was imagining.
“Callie…please…say something.”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look nervous before, but he does now. He looks as though he’s gearing up for my rejection. Would it really bother him if I tell him to go to hell? I’m not sure if I have the heart to do that to him, because I do have real feelings for him.
“What do you want from me? Where do we go from here?” I ask the question that’s been hovering around inside my head since he started talking to me. Despite the emotions warring through my body, I’m surprised at how calm I sound.
“I’m sick of fighting what’s between us, you could do a lot better than me, but I don’t have it in me to walk away from you again.”
He leans in and kisses me as I feel another part of his body coming to life. Well, it never really lost its life, but now his dick’s making itself known as it lengthens and expands into a steal rod against me. I open my mouth and let him deepen the kiss, which goes from zero to ten within seconds. Moaning, I wrap my legs around his waist as his fingers slip between my folds.
Groaning into my mouth, Reece lifts his head. “I want to try this relationship thing…with you… I can’t promise I’m not going to screw it up, because I always screw up the good things in my life. But I can promise you it won’t be because of another woman.”
I feel tears slip out of my eyes and slide down my face into my hair, which Reece follows with his lips, kissing and licking them away.
“I’d like that. I really would,” I whisper into his ear.
He raises his head and reaching between us, takes hold of his cock before guiding it to my entrance where he enters me slowly with just the tip.
“God, you’re always wet,” he states in a voice thick with lust.
“Only for you. I want all of you…now.”
He slams into me, his balls hitting my ass.