Page 92 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
Dad was shaking his head. “Don’t worry about that, it was all talk. I really did think you’d get on well with Mia and assumed you just needed a shove in the right direction, that’s why I agreed to this wedding idea of Lewis’. I used the threat of no tuition to get you to agree. I must admit at first I refused to even mention it to you when Lewis came up with the idea, but he eventually talked me into it.”
“Graham, you told me Jack had been seeing Mia for a while in secret. You told me he loved her and that was why they wanted to get married. Are you telling me that you lied to me?”
He sighed. “Slightly... I’m sorry, but you can’t tell me you didn’t think it was a good match between Jack and Mia, although I have to admit that seeing her now with Liam makes me realize how wrong I was to begin with.”
“I can’t believe you would lie to me.”
Dad took hold of my mom’s hands. “It’s the only time I’ve ever lied to you, because I really did think they belonged with each other, or rather I’d let Lewis convince me they belonged together. Lewis kept telling me that if I didn’t step in Jack would hook up with someone who really wasn’t suitable, full of body art, etc., to take to charity functions representing the law firm… So I agreed,” he whispered the last bit, resting his head in his hands.
My dad’s comment had me cringing inside; little did he know that I had quite a bit.
“We need to head over to Mia’s house so her folks know there won’t be a wedding,” I told my dad, pulling Thalia in closer to me.
I needed her close to me because I was afraid if I let go, I’d wake up and discover I’d been dreaming, which would crush me like nothing else ever could.
My dad stood and walked over to me; Thalia moved out of my arms slightly, but kept her arm around my back.
“Jack, I owe you a huge apology. You’re my son and I love you. I should never have threatened you with your career. I’m so sorry.”
Hugging my dad, I sagged in relief. I hadn’t expected the response we’d received from him or his easy acceptance.
“Ah, Dad,” Liam said.
“Liam and Mia, I owe you both an apology as well. I’m sorry and I hope you’ll forgive me.”
“We do Dad, but about the wedding…”
“Don’t worry about that,” Mom said.
“Mom,” Liam shouted to be heard. “The wedding is not being canceled. I’ve asked Mia to marry me and we’re going to get married on Saturday.”
Well, that stunned everyone into silence.
Grinning, I held my hand out to my brother. “Congratulations guys.”
“Yeah, wow. Congratulations,” Thalia told them.
“Liam. You can’t get married in two days,” Mom said, in a panic.
“Why not. I already have my suit. Mia has her dress. Thalia has the bridesmaid dress. Everything is arranged, so what is the problem?”
“Ah, well…Nothing…Are you sure this is what you want to do. I know you love her. I can see that. In fact, I saw that when I caught you both out back in a rather heated kiss.”
I roared with laughter when I saw the look on Liam’s face. I couldn’t see Mia as she had her face buried in Liam’s chest.
Thalia pinched me on the butt, which had me instantly hard. I turned more into her and pressed against her hip. Her eyes widened when she realized I was hard.
“That’s what you do to me,” I whispered into her neck.
“Jack, for goodness sake. Leave the girl alone. Thalia, Mia let’s head into the other room and discuss the wedding. Some things will need changing and there’s too much of a distraction in here for you girls.”
It was hard not to laugh at what my mom said, although I did feel a slight embarrassment, considering she obviously knew where my thoughts were. The only problem I had was letting Thalia move away from me while I had a misbehaving body part.
“Can you give me a minute? I just need a quick word with Jack.”
Without waiting for my mom to answer her, Thalia shoved me towards the door and through it. Taking my hand, she tugged me out of sight of the window, shoved me up against the wall and stuck her tongue down my throat grinding her pussy against me.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the minute you pulled me into your arms,” she told me nibbling my ear lobe, sending shivers through me to the tip of my cock.