Page 90 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
With my robe fastened tight, I opened the door for Liam, who was waving towards his room, and then Mia appeared, quickly rushing across the landing and into my room, followed by Liam.
I retreated back to my bed and perched on the side while I watched and waited, but unable to hide my smile. They’d looked ridiculous with all the cloak and dagger stuff.
“Can Mia stay in here with you while Jack and me go and talk to the parents?”
“I thought we were going to do this together,” I replied frowning.
Liam held tight to Mia’s hand, running his other through his hair. “Yeah. I’m just not too sure anymore. I mean about you both being there. Dad can be rather vocal and I’m not sure it’d be wise for you to hear him.”
Mia exhaled loudly. “What he isn’t saying is that he’s afraid his dad might call us names in front of us and he doesn’t want us to hear, plus Jack will probably lose it if he does. He’s the hothead of the two.”
They both moved over to the sofa in my room, sitting wrapped in each other’s arms. It was a relief to know that very soon I’d be able to claim Phoenix as mine, and that he wouldn’t have to pretend to be with someone else.
“If Phoenix agrees, then we’ll stay up here, but right now I think I need to get some clothes on.”
“Ah, do you want us to leave?” Liam asked grinning.
“No, she can use the bathroom,” Phoenix stated walking back into my room in jeans, which were half undone and nothing else. His t-shirt, socks and boots were in his hands, which he dropped to the side of the bed, then he sat to pull his socks and boots on.
I’d been about to retrieve some clothes when he’d walked back in, but the sight of him had me frozen to the spot. I realized Liam and Mia were quiet, so with a quick glance I noticed them both staring at him. Mia was really looking as well. I coughed and walked over to him. “You’re causing a distraction.”
He looked up and saw Mia staring at his body art.
Phoenix pulled his t-shirt on, fastened his jeans, and then pulled me down onto his lap for a sizzling kiss. “And you need to go and get dressed.”
“Okay.” Standing up, I walked back over to the closet and retrieved a pair of jeans, t-shirt and underwear. Turning back to Phoenix, who still had his eyes on me, I grinned, then told him, “Liam wanted Mia and me to stay up here while you both talked to your parents. Is that what you want?”
“Jack, remember what a temper Dad has. I really don’t want Mia there if what we’re going to tell him pisses him off.”
Jack sighed running his hands through his hair. “You’ve got a point. Thalia, are you all right with that?”
“I guess I’ll have to be, but if I hear any raised voices, especially with my name mentioned, then I’ll be down.”
Phoenix grinned at me, stood up and planted a kiss on me before he turned to Liam, “Come on brother, let’s get this over with.”
With a quick goodbye, they both left leaving Mia and me worried in my room.
“Let me quickly get dressed, okay.” I dashed into the bathroom, shut the door and quickly threw my clothes on. I was back out in my bedroom with Mia in less than five minutes.
“Thalia, I want to apologize to you.”
I glanced at her.
“I was a bitch to you on more than one occasion, especially in the shop when I spoke about seducing Jack. I had no intention of following through. I’d spotted you heading in there, and well, it was all said for your benefit. I was so damn confused about what I wanted or what I thought I wanted. So I’m really sorry. I wasn’t happy, although I tried to act as though I was, but the truth is, Liam broke my heart three years ago. I’ve tried to be pissed at him, but he’s still in my heart and always will be.”
Sitting beside her on the sofa, I gave her a hug. “Apology accepted, and I think we need to start being friends; we are dating brothers.”
She grinned, “Yeah, and I have to say I had no idea Jack looked that good under his t-shirt. He shocked me with his pierced nipple…Wow.”
“Hey. That’s my guy you’re going on about,” then feeling wicked, I teased, “that isn’t the only place he’s pierced.”
Her eyes went as wide as saucers when she grasped where I referred to.
“Oh my God. I think I need a fan.”
“You’ll have to try and persuade Liam to get it done, because it is so damn hot.”