Page 85 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
“Thanks Jack for not giving us a hard time,” Liam said, which brought me out of my thoughts.
“Mia, we’ve both given each other a hard time over the past twelve months which was caused by our parents; but no more… Why don’t you both stick around? Thalia will be back soon.”
Liam raised his eyebrow while I took a bite out of my burger; I was hungry as hell having missed food at the garden party, then working up steam with Thalia in the shower. We’d come straight down here to Kix after we’d dressed to help the guys set up for our gig in about an hour’s time.
“Where is Thalia?” Liam asked looking around.
“She’s walked into town with Reece to meet up with her friend, Callie.” I chuckled. “It’s the first time in history I’ve seen Reece falling over his tongue after a girl, especially as Thalia told me she wanted her to meet Donovan.”
“Dahlia won’t be happy,” Mia added.
“I’m not too sure what we think they’ve been up to is actually what they’ve been doing.” I shrugged my shoulders turning back to my food while I wondered if what I’d said was the truth. Reece seemed to treat Dahlia more like a sister, than someone to get his rocks off with. These past couple of gigs we’d done; I’d watched, and they didn’t act as though they’d been intimate. Something was going on between them, that I didn’t think they wanted made public, and I’d bet my last dollar it was something to do with Dahlia; maybe her old man.
Pushing my plate away, I finished up my beer and turned back to my brother, who appeared to have his tongue stuck down Mia’s throat. I grinned and was about to make a comment, which I knew would get his back-up, when the door opened and in walked my babe.
As she came dashing towards me, I whistled. She noticed Liam and Mia who still hadn’t come up for air, then launched herself at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck while my arms went to her hips, pulling her in close between my thighs.
“Well it looks like the cocks finally have the right pussys,” Reece announced, shocking everyone into silence, until I roared with laughter. Thalia buried her face into my chest, chuckling against me. With a quick glance at Liam, I noticed Mia’s bright red cheeks.
“Are you always so embarrassing?” Callie asked him, walking over and taking a seat at a table close to the bar.
“What’s embarrassing about cocks and pussys?” Reece replied, sliding in beside Callie, a look of innocence on his face.
“You’re kidding me right?” Callie complained.
“Hey, babe. What you see is what you get.” Reece grinned.
“Ugh. I think I need a drink,” Callie announced.
My attention went back to the woman standing between my legs, moving her hands up and down my thighs, while she snuggled into my neck, licking and nibbling back and forth. Fuck she had me hard as hell, with nothing to do about it.
I reached around her with one arm and stroked up and down her back in a soft caress; my other hand caressed up and down her arm. “You need to stop baby,” I whispered into her ear, feeling her shudder against me.
“Okay,” she breathed against my neck, but instead of moving away from me she stayed wrapped around me as though she was frightened to move.
“Jack, we need to go and see the parents, and tell them what’s going on.”
Before looking at my brother, I gave Thalia a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll go tomorrow. This place is going to start filling up real soon, and God knows what’s going to happen when we make the announcement. So I think in the morning, about eleven would be better, before they leave for lunch at Mia’s house.”
“Oh, crap. I’d forgotten all about lunch… I can’t be there,” Mia said panicking.
“Ah, wouldn’t it be better telling the folks together,” Reece suggested.
“No. We’ll tell our folks and, hopefully get them to calm down, and then we’ll all go over to Mia’s house.”
Thalia gave me an odd look. “I think I have to agree with Reece. Won’t it be easier telling both sets of parents together, it will get it out of the way quickly instead of prolonging it?”
“It will be easier if Jack and me tell our folks first, and try to get them on our side, because Lewis is probably going to be a problem. He’s adamant that Mia marries you, Jack, and we don’t know why.”
Mia looked to have tears in her eyes when Liam turned back to her. “Honey, I promise you. We won’t let him send your mother away. In fact, I’m not even sure he can.” Liam took Mia back into his arms.
“What the fuck.” I stood up, unsure I’d heard right. “What about her mother?” Thalia took hold of my arm as we waited for someone to tell us what the fuck was going on, because Mia’s mother hadn’t been mentioned before. Not once during this whole wedding mess.
“Lewis told Mia that he’d send her mother away if she backed out of the wedding.” He sighed and ran his hands over Mia’s face. “Her mother has a huge problem with depression, and Lewis wants to get her admitted to a hospital for a while, even though the doctors have told him there’s no need. He told Mia last night that if she didn’t make sure the wedding went ahead that he’d sign the papers for her mother.”
“Has he lost his mind?” That was crazy. “Mia, we won’t let that happen, which is all the more reason we tell our parents first, that way once they’re on our side, they can, hopefully talk your dad out of being…stupid. Why’s he acting like this? He’s never been like this before. Has he?” I looked at Mia.
“No. He’s changed, and I don’t know why,” she replied with tears on her face.