Page 81 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
“Donovan. What?”
Oh God. I was too embarrassed to look at Donovan, so I buried my face in Phoenix’s chest, while Donovan laughed and Phoenix stroked my back.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you guys have remembered where you are, right? And Lewis is looking for you, Jack.”
“Fuck. What does he want?”
“No idea. I’ll cut him off while you sort yourselves out,” he said walking off, but not before I caught the grin on his face.
“It’s okay. I’ll be alright.” I leaned in and kissed him. “I know you’re mine, it just got to me earlier, but after being in your arms, I’ll be able to get through the rest of the day.” I kissed him again. “I love you, Phoenix. Now go. I’ll follow in a couple of minutes.”
He hesitated, rearranged himself in his pants, and then after a quick kiss, walked away.
Having straightened my dress, I took a deep breath and steeled myself for walking in the same direction Phoenix had gone. I looked up just in time to see Donovan reappear offering me his arm.
Chapter 51
My temper rolled through me as I walked away from Thalia to go back to the garden party, and acting as though everything was all right, when in reality it wasn’t, pissed me off. Lewis was probably going to end up being the one to get the brunt end of it as well, seeing as he was the one who wanted me for something.
About to enter the pool area, I turned back to look for Thalia, and spotted her holding on to Donovan’s arm talking to Callie and Reece. I wanted to be the one she was holding onto. Every time I saw her attached to one of my friends, I just lost it, like earlier with Reece. That shouldn’t have happened and was probably the reason Lewis wanted to talk.
“Jack? Where have you been? Dad’s looking all over for you.”
“I’m here now, Mia.” I sighed and focused my gaze on her, and that’s when I realized the afternoon was just as hard on her as it was on me. “Where’s Liam? I haven’t seen him in a while.”
Mia turned away, but not before I caught a stray tear running down her cheek. “Mia, don’t.”
“I’m okay, Jack,” she said turning back to look at me, quickly swiping the tear away with her hand. “He said he couldn’t stay… Jack what are we going to do?”
”Fuck if I know.” I pulled her into my arms and let her bury her face against my chest so no one would know she was crying, just praying Thalia didn’t see and get the wrong idea.
“Jack, a word please,” Lewis said from behind us in the tone of voice that didn’t give you the option of refusing.
“Will you be okay?” I whispered to Mia.
She nodded her head, turned away and walked around the hedges that surrounded the pool so no one would see her, while she obviously pulled herself together.
“Lewis,” I said turning to look at him. “You wanted to see me?”
He looked pissed. “What the hell was going on between you, Reece and the girl?”
Fuck. Should I say something? It wasn’t really the time or place, but was there really a good time.
I looked him in the eye, and told him, “I’m in love with her.”
He opened and shut his mouth a couple of times, lost for words. Finally pulling himself together after my announcement, he said, “You are going to marry my Mia. Make no mistake about that so get the other woman out of your head and heart, because I won’t let anything stop this wedding.”
“Why? What the hell have I ever done to make you act this way? Or Mia? She’s your daughter, don’t you want her happy?” I asked barely controlling my temper.
“You haven’t done anything, but if the wedding doesn’t go ahead you’ll be sorry.”
“Thalia, look out…” Callie screamed.
As I turned around I spotted Thalia falling into the deep end of the pool.