Page 42 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
“So, I presume you’re going to be Liam’s date for mine and Jack’s wedding?” Mia asked looking down her nose at me.
My heart missed a beat in stress. The thought of Jack married to her tore me in two.
“Yes, she’s my guest.” Liam saved me from answering. “Sorry Mia, but we need to pay for these things and head out. We’ll catch you both later.” He took my arm and pulled me towards the cashier desk.
I sighed in relief. “Thanks Liam. She took me by surprise with that question.” I placed the dress, shorts and tank top on the desk and noticed a pair of boots on the display shelf behind the girl working the register. “Are those for sale?”
She looked behind her and smiled. “Yes they are, and I think they’re your size.”
Taking them from the girl, whose nametag said Tiffany, I tried them on and would you know, they fit me perfectly.
“I’ll take these,” I told her.
Liam chuckled beside me. “I can’t believe we spent ages while you tried all them on,” he said pointing to the display, “when, the perfect pair was sitting over here all the time.”
I grinned while I passed Tiffany my charge card, trying not to think about the dent it would be making into my savings.
When the transaction was complete, Tiffany passed my card back to me just as Mia and her sidekick walked up to us. “Oh, my boots,” she said looking at the ones I’d just purchased. “What are you doing?” she questioned Tiffany.
“This girl just bought them, so what does it look like I’m doing?” Tiffany grinned. Obviously there was no love lost between those two.
can’t have them, I was going to buy those,” she said before turning to glare at me. “You need to get a refund so I can buy them.”
She left me speechless. In her dreams. I decided to completely ignore her and grabbed the packages from Tiffany who was still grinning like an idiot and started to walk out of the store with Liam following not far behind.
Back at the car, Liam opened the trunk for me to put everything inside wearing a frown.
“Is she always like that?”
His frown deepened. “I’ve never seen her like that before, although she can be, um, difficult.”
“Ugh, she was fucking rude. See, she even made me curse, which I don’t usually do, well at least not out loud,” I ranted. “Do you know she’s planning on seducing Jack and then she’s going to pretend she’s pregnant so he doesn’t stop the wedding from going ahead. At least that’s what I overheard in the changing rooms.”
“Ah, that’s why you cut me off? You didn’t want her to know that’s where you’d come from.”
“Oh Thalia,” he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. “Do you want me to warn Jack, or do you want that honor?”
I sighed, not sure, which was best. “I don’t know, but he needs to be warned.”
“Yeah, he does. Although I don’t think he’d take her up on it, he doesn’t like her much. I know she’s pretty, but she isn’t for Jack.”
Hmm, what exactly did he mean, ‘she isn’t for Jack’?
Opening the car door for me, Liam looked deep in thought. “Do you want to go visit the next town over and we can have lunch over there?”
Smiling, I replied, “Thanks Liam, and yeah, that would be great.”
Chapter 29
The day with Donovan and Reece had turned out pretty good. Surprising considering how badly it had started, but once we started jamming and practicing some new songs, I felt great. However, after a day at it, I was exhausted and needed some food and hopefully some peace and quiet to eat it in.
My folks, along with Liam and probably Thalia, had gone over to Mia’s house for dinner with her parents. I’d purposely ignored my cell when they’d been ringing and hadn’t replied to any of their text messages.