Page 40 of Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers 1)
Donovan and Reece were grinning at me so I just glared at them.
“Save the Lewis and your dad bit for now, we want to hear about the ‘most beautiful girl’.”
“Fuck,” I tried to relax back into the chair. “Thalia was in the bathroom when I got up, and yes I knew she was in there. I needed to see her, but I ended up sending her back to her room before I dragged her into the shower with me.”
“You’re an idiot.” I frowned at Reece. “What straight guy, turns down a hot chick and I mean she’s fucking smoking.”
“Watch your mouth,” I growled sitting up in the chair.
I looked across to Donovan. “Do you have anything to add?”
“Are you sure she’s dating Liam, because I’ve seen them around town and they never touch. There’s only been an odd occasion where he’s grabbed her hand when crossing the road.”
“She told me she isn’t dating him. Apparently he’s asked her to pretend so the folks don’t throw all the
single girls at him.” I put the half empty bottle of beer on the floor and ran my hands through my hair. “I nearly fucked her in the kitchen.”
Both my friends just sat staring at me. “Lewis wanted me to take Mia to some charity thing Saturday night and I said no so he then got onto my dad and within seconds we were having a shouting match in the kitchen. I stormed out and onto my bike. When I returned I caught her in the kitchen looking out of the window towards the barn, for me.”
“Sounds like you’ve both got it as bad as each other. The question is have you got the balls to go after what you want instead of what your parents decide you want?” Donovan asked. “If you need a place to stay until everything calms down, the spare room’s still yours.”
My cell chose that moment to ring. With a quick glance at the display I discovered it was Mia.
Sitting back in the chair I answered.
“Yeah,” I said in greeting.
“Well, you’re in a good mood.”
“What do you want, I’m busy?”
In the background I could hear Reece whispering to Donovan.
“I need you to take me to the charity event Saturday night.”
Fuck, not again.
“Look, I’ve already had this conversation with your dad, and the answer is still no. I have a commitment, which I have no intention of cancelling.”
“Is it something with those two idiots, you call friends?”
“Yeah, it is. You finished now, because I need to go.”
“There’s no need to be rude, Jack, but I do need to attend this event.”
I felt like screaming, why couldn’t she take no for a fuckin’ answer?
“I said I’m busy, so you’ll have to find someone else to take you.” The latter I knew would piss her off.
“I’m your fiancée and you expect another man to take me to this event. Is that what you just said?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Then let’s put it another way, if you don’t take me to the charity event, I’ll call the wedding off.”
I was speechless, did she just say she’d call the wedding off. Fucking perfect.