Page 11 of Tutoring the Delinquent
My mouth drops open. “It’s going to be like wearing a tent.”
He grins. “Exactly.”
I huff a breath, looking down at my oversized shirt. “I guess it won’t be that different from what I usually wear.”
“I love the way you dress.” He presses his tongue to the base of my neck, right on top of the pulse. “I love every damn thing about you, honey. Tonight at home, I’ll kiss every single one.” When his phone begins buzzing again, he curses, thinks for a second. “Yup. You’re coming to practice with me.”
“What?” I blink, trying to scramble off his lap, but he easily keeps hold of me. He stands up and urges my legs around his waist, gaze darkening when I continue to struggle. It takes me several seconds to realize I’m wiggling all over his erection. “I have to go back to class.”
“You’re a genius. You’ll catch up in no time.” He coaxes me into a kiss, giving me a pleading look that I have to admit is extremely persuasive. Is this beautiful man really my boyfriend now? “Come watch me play football? I need you where I can see you. Still haven’t recovered from waking up alone. Still waiting for an apology for that, by the way.”
“Keep waiting,” I tease him.
He rolls his hips, groaning. “Honey, believe me. If I can wait until tonight for this tight pussy, I can wait for an apology.” His hands find my bottom beneath my skirt, kneading each bun with relish. “And I can think of a lot of ways to get it out of you.”
Playfulness comes naturally with him, I find. A side of me I’ve never been able to explore. “Maybe I can negotiate your cologne rule in the same ways.”
“That is non-negotiable, honey.” He narrows his eyes at me, a smile playing around his beautiful mouth. “But I want to hear more about your tactics.”
I purse my lips, trying not to look as shy as I feel. “I’ll need some time with Google first.”
“Fuck Google.” He grips my bottom hard, walks me toward the door. “I’m your search engine, honey, and I run all night.” Before I can respond to that boast, he bites my neck. “You stay where I can see you during practice, understand?”
I should probably kick him. Or say no, at the very least. But I’d be lying to myself if I pretended his possessiveness didn’t excite me. If I pretended it didn’t feel right and inevitable. If I pretended it didn’t make need course through me like a wild river.
“Yes, Teddy,” I murmur, laying my head on his shoulder and letting him carry me away.
Chapter Five
Bringing Iris to practice was a mistake. A huge one.
That much becomes obvious the second we arrive.
I’ve never had a girlfriend before, so I didn’t recognize the error in judgment I made until now, when it’s too late. When every single one of my teammates is gawking at her from the field. All of the groupies that watch from the stands zero in on her like vultures. I have the urge to pick her up again and leave. Take her home, lock the door and block out the world.
I’ve put her under a microscope.
Everyone is curious about her now. I’ve barged into her class and declared her my girlfriend. News has probably already traveled about that. And now I’ve towed her along to the football field, her delicate little hand trembling in mine because of all the staring. I’m such an asshole. I didn’t even stop to consider how terrifying this would be for her. For a hundred men, including players and staff and physical therapists, to be openly speculating about her.
“Iris…” I pivot at the edge of the field, blocking her from everyone’s view. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think this through. I’ll bring you home.”
She steels herself. “No, it’s okay. Once you’re out on the field, they’ll s-stop staring.”
I frown. “Why?”
“Because their attention is for you.”
“No, it’s not, Iris. They’re looking at you.”
She blinks. “Why?”
“Why?” I take her face in my hands. Is she serious? “Because you’re fucking gorgeous, that’s why. And damn, honey, you’re glowing from the head I gave you.”
Her puzzlement shows. “No one ever stared at me before.”
“You were hiding. But now…” Dread churns in my stomach. “Now, I’ve made them all aware of you. I didn’t consider what I was doing.”
Glancing back over my shoulder, I curse myself to hell. In the space of an hour, I’ve made everyone on this campus aware that Iris is a commodity. I know what they’re thinking. She must be something special, something hot, if the NFL-bound quarterback has taken himself off the market—and they want to know more. Fuck that. She’s mine and mine alone.
God, I want to go back in time and…
And what?
There’s no way to make this situation better. I’m a nationally ranked collegiate athlete with a barrage of recent troubles. Yet I’m still being scouted for next season’s NFL draft. All eyes are on me, all the time. And now they’re on her, too. I can’t escape the limelight and neither can she. I didn’t give her a choice, did I? I can’t. There’s only one option and it’s being together, so I guess I have to get used to this?