Page 63 of Beautifully Destroyed (Beautifully Broken)
She shakes her head. “Maybe at a later date.”
“How about those guitar lessons?”
“Lessons?” she asks, a slight frown forming on her forehead.
“Yeah. I have some time off. Teach me how to play.”
A wide smile splits over her face. “Okay. Your first lesson is after lunch.”
“Can’t wait.”
Chapter 25
Every relaxing minute I get to spend with Ethan revives my beaten-down soul a little more.
Sitting on the couch, I lean into Ethan, showing him how to position his hand. “There. Strum the strings.”
He does, a grin spreading over his face.
“See these metal strips?” He nods, his attention one hundred percent focused on me. “This is called the thread board.” I show where the first thread is, counting through to the last one. “Your thinnest string is at the bottom, working your way up to the thickest one.”
“Got it.”
“Strum again, and focus on holding the pick in a way that’s comfortable for you.”
“You’re hot as a teacher,” he casually mentions, and a flush creeps into my cheeks. “I hope you plan on only teaching kids.”
I let out a burst of laughter at his possessive comment, loving how special it makes me feel. Clearing my throat, I say, “You need to strum from your wrist, not your elbow.”
After twenty minutes, Ethan’s playing, and there’s a wide grin on his face. “This is so cool.”
“You’re a natural.”
He places the guitar on the coffee table. “Enough practice. Come here.” Then he takes hold of me, and I’m tugged against his body, his mouth taking mine in a kiss that turns my insides to jell-O.
I lift my hands to his jaw, getting lost in the feel of the slight stubble forming and the way he moves as he kisses me.
It’s hot and everything I wanted, making me forget the darkness and drawing me back into the light.
Ethan makes me feel treasured and like I’m just an ordinary eighteen-year-old girl falling in love with the most incredible guy, and it chases the filthy feel from my body.
My body.
I focus on the butterflies in my stomach, the velvety feel of his tongue stroking mine, my softness pressed against his hardness.
Crawling onto his lap, I urge him with my mouth to not stop. He doesn’t listen and breaks the kiss, his hands grabbing hold of my hips as I straddle him.
“Pause,” he groans, breathless and clearly wanting more.
He lets out a chuckle, giving me a pointed look. “I need a moment to cool down.”
My eyes search his, and seeing the desire he feels for me, I whisper, “I don’t want you to cool down.”
Ethan’s hands brush up and down my hips, and when I try to lower myself, his fingers dig into my sides, stopping me.
Our eyes lock again, then he shakes his head. “I’m hard, Fin.”
Placing my hands over his, I pull them away, and keeping my gaze on his, I lower myself. I want to see how I’ll react, if I’m completely destroyed or not.
My heart starts to speed up, with a nervous feeling trickling through my veins.
Ethan shakes his head again, his eyes pleading with mine. “It’s too soon for you. Don’t.”
Sitting down on him, my body jerks, not from disgust but from feeling Ethan.
I’m safe with him.
And then something amazing happens; warmth spreads through me.
Ethan’s eyes flit over my face, examining every expression, then his features soften. “You okay?”
I nod, but a second later, the emotions hit hard, and throwing my arms around his neck, I plaster myself against his chest. Intense relief shudders through me, making me gasp. “I’m not broken,” I whisper, a sob and burst of laughter sputtering over my lips.
Ethan engulfs me in his strong arms. “Where does your strength come from? Christ, you’re so brave, baby.”
“You.” I choke up from my feelings rapidly growing for Ethan. “It comes from you.”
We hold each other for a moment while I regain control over my emotions.
Pulling back so I can see his face, I tenderly brush my fingertips over his jaw. “I’m falling for you, Ethan.”
The hot grin I’m starting to love so much tugs at his lips. “Yeah?”
He moves his hands back to my hips, and tilting his head, he asks, “How does it feel?”
“What? Falling in love?”
He shakes his head. “Your body. My hard-on.”
My cheeks flame up at his direct question, and I bury my face against his neck again. Then I scrape all my courage together and answer, “Safe. Tingly.”
Instead of laughing at me, he presses a kiss to my shoulder. “And?”
“It’s your body feeling me.”
Realizing what he’s doing, I nod. “My body.”
“Your hot body,” he chuckles.
I grin against his skin, then press a kiss to his neck. I trail my lips up to his jaw and along the strong curve until I reach his mouth, enjoying the feel of him beneath my lips.
“You’re a temptress,” he groans.
Ethan’s phone starts to ring, and it’s my turn to let out a groan as I pull back. Climbing off his lap, I watch as he answers the call.