Page 18 of Beautifully Destroyed (Beautifully Broken)
“Thanks.” I nod, then glance around us, not really focusing on anything. I nod again, wishing I didn’t have to be here. Too many people.
Besides Uncle Josh, there are three Jackson men, and the one looks scarier than the other.
They’re not a threat. Calm down.
Uncle Josh comes back to my side, and the moment he wraps his arm around my shoulder, I feel some of the panic ease.
“How are you, Nina?” Uncle Josh asks, taking her sharp attention away from me.
“Good. I hope you’re home for longer than a week. We miss having you around,” Nina answers.
“Two weeks before I have to haul a shipment up to Vancouver.”
“That sucks,” Quinn mumbles. “But at least you’ll be here for Christmas.”
I’m filled with guilt for hovering against Uncle Josh's side, knowing Quinn must want some time with her Dad.
We settle back on the chairs, with Uncle Josh sitting between Quinn and me. He grins proudly at us. “So good to be with family again.”
Quinn’s smiling happily, her eyes sparkling as she glances around at the Jacksons.
Movement draws my eyes, then I press against Uncle Josh as Ethan comes to hug Quinn. He’s dressed in a pair of faded jeans, wearing a dark blue t-shirt that clings to his muscled chest and biceps as if it’s not the middle of winter.
I have to admit, though, it’s much warmer in Southport than in Naperville.
“Happy Birthday, Quinn,” he says, his voice deep and soft, clearly stating he cares about her.
Feeling some semblance of safety next to Uncle Josh, I actually manage to smile when Ethan glances at me. “Hey, Finlay,” he murmurs, not moving closer.
“Hi,” I say, then something weird happens, and my face heats under his gaze. I quickly look down, focusing on the single weed by my feet.
“Josh, good seeing you again,” Ethan says, his voice making my skin prickle.
“Same,” my uncle replies. “Quinn tells me you helped Finlay find a place near yours?”
Crap. Uncle Josh sounds protective, and I hope he didn’t get the wrong idea.
“Ah… I pointed one out the other day,” I hear Ethan say, sounding cautious.
“Chill, Dad,” Quinn whispers. “It’s not like that.”
Oh, God.
My muscles tighten, and I keep my eyes on the weed.
“I’m just asking,” Uncle Josh says with a chuckle easing the tension in the air.
“Are you taking the place?” Ethan asks.
“Yeah, Stanley’s meeting with us tomorrow morning,” Quinn answers for me.
“That’s good to hear.” There’s a moment’s silence, then Ethan says, “Excuse me.” I feel him move away, and I slowly take a deep breath.
“I can’t wait to see this house you want to buy,” Uncle Josh says to me.
“I think you’ll love it,” I murmur, my voice sounding tight.
“When’s that brother of mine coming home?” Uncle Josh asks.
The other day I told Quinn three weeks, but it’s actually seven weeks from now. My heart sinks, the time feeling like an eternity.
“He said –”
My head snaps to the back door, and seeing Dad, everything shudders inside me like an earthquake’s ripping through my soul.
My body’s up, and I run the short distance as fast as I can, slamming hard into Dad’s chest. Tremors hit me, the walls cracking and starting to crumble.
Dad lifts me off my feet, holding me tightly. “Hey, sweetheart. Sorry, I’m late,” he whispers against my hair.
I shake my head, unable to speak as my throat closes up and my chin quivers. My eyes start to burn, and I don’t think I can keep everything back for much longer. If there weren’t other people around us, I’d just crumble to pieces in my father’s arms.
‘Daddy,’ my soul cries.
“I’ve got you, Fin,” Dad says close to my ear, his arms holding me so tightly, it feels as if nothing in the world can touch me.
I’m safe.
My body jerks, and a sob escapes.
Not yet. I can’t break in front of everyone.
Hold on, Finlay.
Just a bit longer.
Watching Finlay and her dad, the uneasy feeling I’m starting to get used to whenever I’m around her deepens in my gut.
There’s something very wrong with Finlay. I’m sure of it.
It takes a moment before Mr. Drake lowers Finlay’s feet to the ground, only to tuck her against his side. One hell of a protective wave emanates from his body, giving me the feeling he won’t let anyone near his daughter.
The two brothers shake hands, and Mr. Drake still keeps hold of Finlay with one arm while hugging Quinn with the other. “Happy birthday, Quinn,” I hear him say.
“This is the best gift ever,” Quinn exclaims. “I can’t remember when we were last all together.”
Quinn starts to introduce her uncle to everyone, and when they come toward Dad and me, where we’re getting the grill ready, I let Dad take the lead.
“Alex, this is my brother, David,” Josh introduces him, then he gestures at me. “This is Alex's youngest, Ethan.”
Dad shakes David’s hand, and I quickly wipe my palm clean on my jeans before doing the same. “Nice meeting you,” I murmur.