Page 16 of Beautifully Destroyed (Beautifully Broken)
Swinging around, I step to the side, my eyes locking on her.
Chelsea’s smile alone has the power to make me feel uncomfortable as she takes a step closer to me, looking at me like I’m her next meal.
When she reaches for my arm, I put more distance between us, then let the words out in a rush, “Could you stop touching me, please.”
A frown instantly pinches her manicured eyebrows together, then she fakes a confused look. “Is something wrong?”
I start to move toward the door. “I just don’t appreciate all the touching. It makes me feel uncomfortable.”
Chelsea lets out a bust of awkward laughter. “What? I’m offended, Ethan.”
Stopping dead in my tracks, I turn back to face her. I’m met with an angry glare.
“I make you feel uncomfortable?” she sneers.
“You do.” Squaring my shoulders, I stand my ground.
She rolls her eyes to the ceiling, letting out a huff. “Unbelievable. You didn’t seem to mind yesterday, or the day before, or the months before that.”
“I mind, Mrs. Chapel,” I say, keeping my voice neutral.
“Now it’s Mrs. Chapel?” she laughs, the sound tensing the air. “You lead me on for months, and now I’m in the wrong?”
My heartbeat starts to speed up, my muscles tensing. I shake my head. “I never did anything to give you the impression I’m interested in you.”
Twin flames burst on her cheeks, her brown eyes becoming dark with anger. “I’ve never been so insulted in my life.”
“That was not my intention. I just want to keep things professional between us,” I try to do damage control.
Lifting her chin with an indignant look tightening her features, she glares at me as she walks toward the door. “Trust me, the town will hear of this.”
“The town will hear about what?” Barb walks into the studio, looking like she’s ready to go to war. “That you’ve been harassing Ethan?” She stops right in front of Chelsea. “That you’ve sexually assaulted him every chance you got?”
Chelsea sucks in a sharp breath, but before she can lay into my friend, Barb says, “Everyone’s seen it, Chelsea. You throwing your desperate ass at Ethan every chance you get. Even Bob must know by now. It’s sick.”
Chelsea’s arm swings back, and I dart forward, grabbing hold of her wrist before she can hit Barb.
“That’s enough. Please leave the premises,” I say, my tone clearly stating this conversation is over.
She yanks her wrist free, and just to be cautious, I move my body in front of Barb’s to keep her safe while gesturing at the door.
“Never in my life!” Chelsea hisses before she storms out of the studio.
I take a deep breath, worried that this is far from over settling hard in my gut.
Barb moves around me, a concerned expression on her face as she looks up at me. “You okay?”
I take another deep breath, willing my heartbeat to slow down before I nod. “I’m fine.”
Barb tilts her head, her eyes filled with sadness. “I couldn’t keep quiet. I’m sorry for interfering.”
“It’s okay. Thanks, B.” Feeling unsettled, I say, “I’m going to head home.”
Barb nods. “I’ll have Sydney fill in for you. Don’t let the snake get to you.”
Nodding, I give her a grateful smile before I walk out of the gym. Climbing into my truck, I suppress the worry and actual shock of how out of control everything got while I drive toward my parents' place.
Mom’s in the garden, trying to wrap a plastic sheet around one of her bushes as I pull up the driveway. I climb out and walk toward her. She smiles brightly, then a dark frown wipes the happiness from her face. “What’s wrong?”
I shake my head before my body hits my mother’s, and I wrap my arms around her. “Just need a hug.”
She embraces me, and my soul shudders from the relief soaking into my bones.
“Ethan?” Mom whispers. “What happened?”
I shake my head again, holding my mother tighter. “Just a problem at work.”
Mom rubs a comforting palm up and down my back, making me feel protected.
It’s only then I realize to what extent I felt helpless, and it takes a blow at my manhood.
“Sweetheart,” Mom murmurs. She moves her hands to my jaw while pulling back enough to see my face. “You can tell me anything.”
Knowing Mom will confront Chelsea if she learns what happened, I just shake my head. “It’s nothing to worry about. I just needed a hug from you.”
Mom pulls me back against her. “When you’re ready to talk about it, I’m here.”
I nod, letting the safety of my mother’s arms ease the tight grip the situation had on my insides. “Live you, Mom.”
“I live you, my baby,” Mom coos lovingly.
My parents always say live instead of love because Dad believes love is a fickle thing like hate, but you only get one life. You live for your loved ones.