Page 59 of Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor)
That gets his attention. "What is a pancake?"
"Oh, you'll love it. Come on. I'm going to shower, and you're going to tell me all about the plans you made with Seth."
"While you shower?" His silver eyes gleam with anticipation. "Can I wash you?"
"Nope." I climb out of bed, making sure to keep the covers over my vibrator before he figures out how it works and decides he wants to use it on me. My pussy clenches at the thought, but she's been working hard lately so I guess I can't blame her for reacting. "You've done enough to me today. But you can talk to me."
I head into the bathroom, undressing as I walk. I'm past all shyness with Kassam at this point. Dude just fucked me in front of a stranger. I have no modesty left. I consider my jewelry, but leave it on. I don't care if it's weird to take a shower with a necklace and a bunch of bracelets on—if it keeps me in my right mind, I'm all for it. He groans and grabs at my ass as I climb into the tub, but I bat his hands away. If he's suffering for a minute…well, good. Payback's a bitch. "You are so beautiful," Kassam groans as I bend over to turn on the taps. "You should let me wash you."
"Here," I say. "Hold this." I hand him one of the new bottles of shampoo, the fruity-smelling ones. He immediately flicks the cap and sniffs it, closing his eyes. "Now, tell me about Seth and don't skip any details."
Kassam inhales deeply, then leans against the wall, watching me as I shower. "He says that he is from an old, old time and that no one worships him any longer. Is that truth?"
I wash my hair, considering. "Pretty much. Out of all the names he listed, I only recognized one and that's from medieval times. Most of the religions I'm familiar with focus on a single god, though I admit I only know of a couple religions. Most people in this part of the world are some branch of Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, I think. I'm sure there are other religions but those are the big ones I know of, and those all worship only one god. All of the religions he mentioned are old-old." I pause. "Lachesis is from an old-old religion, too."
Kassam is quiet. Too quiet.
I glance over at him, and when he remains silent, I hold my hand out for the shampoo. He squeezes a dollop into my hand—a huge dollop—and sighs. "I worry that if I return to my world, that will be my fate, as well. No one will worship me. I will be powerless and forgotten."
Feeling a twinge of sympathy, I shrug. "You'll just have to do something dramatic to remind them all that you've returned.
He chuckles, his mood turning sunny again. "An excellent idea. As for Seth, he says the moon will be new tomorrow night. That will be our time to step between worlds. He says that Lachesis owes him a favor from old, so he is going to approach her. When the moon is gone, he says the connection between our worlds is greater. That it will be easy for Lachesis to tug my thread back to the appropriate spot, and easy for her to slide his over to our web as well." He watches me as I shampoo my hair. "I do not know if I believe him entirely, but it is worth a try. He is most desperate to leave this realm."
"And you think it's a good idea to take him with us?"
"A good idea? I did not say that. But it is an option. If I must choose between a god who is beholden to me or a goddess who seeks to destroy me since I will not have her, I will take the trickster."
Okay, that's fair. If he can make an ally and get rid of an enemy, I can see how Kassam would be all for this. I still think it's because Seth is in a situation that Kassam fears he'll be in—lost and forgotten—and so it hits him hard.
He understands Seth.
I rinse my hair, pushing water out of my eyes. "Okay, so tomorrow night, full moon, what do you have to do to get ready? Anything?"
"Seth says Lachesis will pull the appropriate threads. We will not have to do anything." He takes another long sniff of the shampoo, his eyes closing with delight. "Just…a blink and all will be well again."
I frown. It seems there is a lot more involved than just “a blink” but what do I know? I'm just a dumbass mortal, good only for being a fucktoy. "And I'm tied to you, right? Where does that put me?"
Kassam shrugs. "At my side, I assume."