Page 28 of Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor)
He shrugs, toying with my hair as if he's considering kissing me again. "Let us walk a bit more and see if they approach."
I nod and head down the next aisle, clutching my basket. We head past curling irons and into hair care, and when the scent of the shampoos hits, Kassam has to spend the next while opening each bottle and smelling them. "I like this one," he tells me, holding out a cheap but fruity brand to me. "You should use it."
I close the cap so the shampoo doesn't go everywhere and put it in my basket. "That's now officially your shampoo."
His eyes gleam. "Can I wash you with it?"
My thighs squeeze together tightly and a ripple of lust fires through me. "I mean…sure…later." I move closer. "Are we still being followed?"
"No, they are gone." He picks up a new bottle and pops the cap, impressed. "Oh, I like this one, too."
They're gone and he didn't tell me? Frustrated, I snatch the bottle out of his hands and put it back on the shelf. "You're sure? Focus, Kassam. I'm worried here." I bite my lip. "Are they trying to kill me?"
He shrugs, reaching for another bottle. "I think they were snooping. It was curiosity to see who visits their world."
"Do you know who it was?"
"Not a clue." Kassam holds up the new bottle. "I like this scent, too."
I toss it into my basket. "Come on. We're leaving."
The cashier gives me an odd look as I buy six boxes of condoms, pregnancy tests, a ton of candy, some shampoo, and some random dog toys that Kassam tossed into my basket. I ignore her, and when Kassam smiles at her and she makes a throaty sound, I shoot him a dirty look. "Turn it off," I whisper. "At least until we get home."
"I cannot," he purrs, reaching over to caress my ass. "My needs are overwhelming."
Ah, Jesus. He's affecting me, too. I lick dry lips and help the cashier bag my things to speed the process up, and shove a few bags into the god's hands as we leave. The sooner we get home, the sooner we can see to…needs. His and mine. Part of me hates that I've become sex-obsessed due to his presence, but it's not my fault. This isn't who I am.
I toss the supplies into the car and then slip into the driver's seat, panting. I'm aching with arousal, and when my phone pings with a text, I bite back a groan and check the screen.
* * *
CHARLIE: Just making sure you're coming in to work this afternoon?
* * *
Shit. Shit shit shit. I have work tonight. I'd forgotten all about it. I want desperately to call in, especially since I can't leave Kassam alone, but Charlie can't handle the night shift by himself and Trina is out of town for the next week. We're short-staffed as it is. I let out a whimper of frustration, because everything feels like it's collapsing around me.
"You are distressed," Kassam observes.
I press a hand to my forehead. "I feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions. My boss needs me to come in to work tonight but I've got you to handle and we've got the whole issue of being followed and…" I trail off, my face flushing, because I almost blurted out that I really, really want to have sex right now. "There's just a lot going on."
"And the marriage," Kassam prompts.
"Shit." I'd forgotten about that. I flick through my phone, pulling up options for a quick marriage. "I just…I can't handle all this. You need a different anchor," I tell Kassam, panicking. "One that's better equipped to follow through with this. One that can help you. I can't do this—"
"Shh," Kassam murmurs, reaching across the car to stroke my hair. "It will be all right, Carly. You are panicking, but there is no need. I am here."
"You need a better anchor," I say, fighting back tears. "I'm just a bartender."
"You are everything I need," he soothes, and tugs on my arm. When I give him a curious look, he adds, "I am pulling you into my lap to touch you. Come on."
"We're in my car—in the parking lot."
"Someone might see."
"There is nothing to see other than a male comforting his mate." The look he gives me is easy. Reassuring.
All the crystals in the world aren't helping with how overwhelmed I feel right now, and I could really use a hug. I adjust my seat, sliding it back, and then crawl over the center panel into the bucket seat on his side of the car. He immediately tucks me against his chest, curling me against him and rubbing my back.
It's…nice. I didn't realize just how badly I needed comforting.
He strokes my spine, caressing me through my shirt, and says nothing at all. He just lets me tremble against him, until the overwhelmed feeling ebbs a little. I tuck my face against his neck, breathing in his scent. He's big enough that I still feel tiny in his lap, but he doesn't scare me. If anything, I feel protected, and it makes things a little better. Like they're not the worst they could be as long as Kassam is right here to hug me.