Page 17 of Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor)
"Did I? I don't remember that."
"You held out your hand. I took it. That is enough." He smiles and drains his cup. "Now that we are joined, I am here on this mortal plane for as long as you are."
Well that sucks. It sounds like the choice is all his and zero percent mine. I guess I shouldn't be surprised—if he IS a god, I'm just a lowly mortal and all. "So why are you here on Earth then?"
I use my thumbs to point at my surroundings. "Here? What's your world called?"
"Aaah." He nods, thoughtful. "Aos. It is called Aos…or it was when I was last present. Perhaps it has changed since then. A lot of time has passed." He tips back his empty cup and then stares mournfully down at it. Wordlessly, I nudge mine toward him, and he gives me a delicious smile of pleasure as he tips my cup back. "You are an excellent companion so far."
A hot blush steals over my cheeks. "What, because I fed you?"
"You fed a lot of my needs last night." The look he gives me over the rim of the coffee cup is positively sultry.
Good god. I cross my legs, because my pussy is reacting to that look he's giving me. "Don't distract me with more of your not-answers. Why are you here on Earth instead of Heaven or wherever it is you hang out?"
The smile he gives me is positively lethal. "Because I've been very, very naughty."
I shift in my chair, heat suffusing my body. Despite the crystals, I still want to race around the side of the table and crawl into his lap and dry-hump his leg. Maybe I need more crystals. Or maybe he's just that damn sexy.
At the table next to us, an elderly couple starts making out. Like, hardcore making out. Tongues-licking-over-each-other's-faces, tearing-at-each-other's-clothing making out. I try not to stare, because it's not polite, but do these people not realize they're out in public? Discreetly, I adjust my gaze to a booth behind Kassam…and see a woman with her hand down her pants, her eyes closed in ecstasy. I look around, and everyone in the cafe seems to be in various stages of…pleasuring. "What the fuck's in the coffee this morning?"
Kassam chuckles and drinks the rest of mine, just as quickly as he did the last cup. "It's my presence."
I look over at him, narrowing my eyes. I think about how much he fogged my mind and how I couldn't take my hands off of him last night. How even right now, it's hard to resist him, and I'm dripping with crystals to clear my head. He oozes sexuality, from the way he licks the last drops of coffee off the rim of the cup to the way he watches me with those fuck-me eyes. "Are you…the god of love?"
"God of love?" He laughs, utterly delighted. "Do you think there is a god of such foolishness?"
I scowl at him. "Why wouldn't there be?" I gesture around us, at the distracted and rather lusty patrons of the cafe. "Everyone's diddling themselves in front of you. You make my hormones go nuts when I'm around you. If you're not the god of love, then what are you?"
"You truly can't guess?" He looks delighted at my question.
"Just tell me."
"I'll show you instead." He closes his eyes, concentrating, and for some reason, a tension headache blooms between my eyes. I wince at the sensation, like I've just given myself an ice cream headache. I need more coffee, I decide, as I squint at my companion.
Something runs over my foot. I look down underneath the table, and there's a rat. Actually, there's several of them, and they all park near his feet.
I let out a cry of horror, backing up. "Oh my god. You're the god of rats?"
Nearby, someone else groans, no doubt jerking it to rats or something fucked up like that. Kassam looks at me and then throws his head back and laughs with delight. "Not rats!" His smile widens. "Or should I say, not just rats."
The door opens and someone cries out. A squirrel scampers across our table, and as I watch, Kassam leans down. The thing crawls up his arm and perches on his shoulder, nuzzling against his ear.
While I can relate to the whole ear-nuzzling thing, I'm getting a little alarmed at the amount of vermin he's calling to us. My head throbs. "Can you not? They're not exactly clean animals, and they sure don't belong inside. We don't need to draw attention to ourselves." Funny how I'm no longer questioning if he's a god or not. There's just too much weirdness that's happened ever since he walked into my life a few short hours ago. Holy shit, has it been less than a day? Incredible. I feel like my life has turned upside down.