Page 139 of Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor)
Then, the Spidae's gaze slides to me where I peer out from behind Kassam. His head tilts, the motion quick and jerky and unnatural, and I'm reminded of spiders all over again. Fighting a shudder, I slip behind Kassam again.
His big warm hand brushes my shoulder, as if to reassure me. "Greetings, brother. It has been a very long time."
"Has it?" I can hear confusion in the Spidae's voice. "Time does not mean much to our kind, unless one is trapped inside a glacier, I suppose."
I bite back a hiss, because that's a low blow. I feel Kassam stiffen in front of me, and I put a hand on his back, giving him the same reassurance he just gave me.
Kassam relaxes, as if my touch soothes him. "I seek to bargain for a favor. You know me. You know my word is good, and that I am a fair god. I would bargain with the Fates for—"
"No," the Spidae says, swift and brutal.
"You have not even heard me ask yet," Kassam growls, his body vibrating with anger. Gone is the easygoing, hedonism-loving god of the wild. He's furious, the air around me practically crackling with his rage. "I have traveled far. Crossed worlds. And you—"
"No." Just like that, the curtains whisper, and when I look out again, the Spidae is gone.
Kassam gives a snarl of pure rage. "Arrogant, selfish pricks," he seethes, turning toward me. His silver eyes are blazing with anger, and I've never seen him so upset. "They think to make me beg?"
I swallow hard. "Maybe it's a bad time to ask? Maybe…maybe they're having a bad day? We can hang out here for a while, relax for a few days, and then try approaching the subject again?"
"Do they not realize all that is at stake?" Kassam storms toward the door, pauses, and then moves back to me. He grabs me by the shoulders, kisses me hard, and then gives me a firm, determined look. "Wait here, my Carly. I will talk sense into them. They will not dismiss me as if I am nothing. Even though I am in Aspect form, I am yet a god. They had best remember that."
"Oh, but Yulenna said—"
"Wait here," he repeats again, and then heads out the curtains after the other god. I'm left blinking after him. I understand Kassam being upset—considering we've traveled for so far, only to have a thirty-second interaction with one of the Spidae and get shut down—but I'm a little worried for him. Somehow I don't think the Fates are ones you want to make enemies out of. I like that he's defending me to them, but perhaps he could have gone about it better. When he comes back, we'll sit down in bed and plan out our next move, I decide. We haven't thought beyond getting here, and I shouldn't be surprised that our original plan didn't work out. Heck, I don't think any of our original plans have worked out. Doesn't matter. As long as we're together, we'll figure something out.
So I sit back down on the edge of the bed again and pull one boot off, deciding to get comfortable. My traveling clothes are filthy and smell like griffin, and my hair is so tangled from the endless winds as we rode that I might have to shave my head and start over. I wonder if Yulenna left a comb somewhere around here. Tossing my boots aside, I head for what I assume is the bathroom. The moment I step inside, I see an enormous mirror and I'm drawn toward it, ignoring all other plumbing.
Oh god, I look like absolute hell. I touch my face, astonished that Kassam hasn't pointed any of this out. My eyes are hollow, my skin drawn tight over my normally rounded face. My mouth looks chapped and colorless, and my hair like straw. I don't look travel-ravaged. I look…unhealthy. Like there's something wrong inside me…and isn't there? I touch my mouth, horrified at the changes.
"It will get worse," a quiet voice says behind me.
Gasping, I turn around and see one of the Spidae behind me. This one doesn't have the blue eyes as the one did before. Instead, this one has eyes as black as night, and they look like holes in his pale face. He looks unnerving as he cocks his head at me, watching.
"Hi," I manage to croak out. "I'm, uh, Carly? I'm with Kassam."
He takes this in with an impassive look, and for a moment I wonder if he heard me at all. He gestures for me to follow him, then turns and leaves.
"Wait," I call out, trailing after the tall, mysterious figure. "I have to stay! Kassam told me to remain here for him."
The Spidae turns his head slightly, but I don't feel as if he's looking at me. "Time is limited. When he comes back, there will be much sadness. Best to get this done first. Follow me."