Page 136 of Wed to the Wild God (Aspect and Anchor)
But that's what I want, selfishly. I want to turn around and run, to forget we ever saw this place. Kassam wants to go home to his plane, to his Great Endless Forest. He wants to free the conmac from the duty he forced them into a millennium ago. He wants to return to his rightful place in the heavens and take up the mantle of the wild god once more.
And that seems far, far more important than what some crappy bartender wants. So I nod, putting on a determined expression, and memorize his handsome face, just like I have every day for the last two weeks, because I know this won't last. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
The tower is even more intimidating up close. It looks to be made of stone…and something very, very much other. It gleams a pearly white against the gray backdrop of water and mountains, with an equally colorless beach lapping at the edges of the shore near the base of it. It's several stories tall, with windows and balconies dotted all up the length of it in no particular fashion, like a drunken architect waved a hand and decided to throw in some ventilation at the last moment. It's unnerving because nothing lines up. It's fluid and without straight lines in the slightest, and like nothing I've ever seen before. The outside wall actually almost looks a porous stone, but when I get closer, I see that every inch is covered in spiderwebs.
That's reassuring.
A long ramp leads up from the beach to the tower itself, and as we approach, I could swear the tower grows taller. The griffin lands on the beach itself and then sits down, as if refusing to go any further, and I can't blame him in the slightest. Kassam turns to him and rubs his feathers one last time, then presses his face to the dangerous, sharp beak of the creature in a caress. "Thank you, my friend. You need serve no longer."
For some reason that surprises me. I watch as the griffin rubs its head against Kassam and then takes a few steps back and launches himself into the air, flying back over the dead waters of the lake. It's on the tip of my tongue to ask why we don't need a ride back, and then it hits me. There is no “back.” Kassam expects the Fates to help him ascend back to his home, and me…
I guess it depends on how frayed my thread is.
Kassam turns to me and extends his hand. Wordless, I join him, trying not to cling too hard as we head up the long ramp to the tower's base. Before we can make it to the doors at the top of the ramp, they open up and a woman dressed in a brilliantly red dress steps out. She's got dark skin and even darker hair, pulled back in a thick twist at her nape. Her eyes are bright as she eyes us, her gaze resting on Kassam. She doesn't comment on his nudity, or even blink an eye. "My lord Kassam," she says in a rich voice. "Right this way. Your rooms have been prepared."
Of course they were expecting us. It's that whole “fate” thing again. Even so, she doesn't look at all like how I expected the Spidae to look. She's soft and pretty and her dress is utterly flamboyant, with a deeply scooped collar to show off her impressive cleavage, and her skirt has a jillion tucks and flounces to make it look fluffy and full and ornate. Somehow when he'd told me about the Spidae, he'd made it sound like they were men. Creepy men. They're gods, though. I…guess they can be pretty women in red dresses?
I nudge Kassam, waiting for him to introduce me. When he gives me a puzzled look and says nothing, I decide to speak up. "Thank you for hosting us. We've traveled a long way to meet the Spidae. Are you…one of them?"
Her eyes widen and she chuckles, raising a hand to her mouth to hide her smile. "No. My name is Yulenna. I serve the Spidae as their anchor. They will greet you once you are settled. It might take a while, however. I will see to your needs until then." She turns toward the tower and gestures that we should follow. "After me, if you please."
Oh. An anchor. I feel stupid. I nudge Kassam again, but he's only gazing at the woman thoughtfully. "They have always lived here in the mortal realm, yet you are the first anchor they have taken. Has something changed?"
"I'm not sure how to answer that," Yulenna says in a brisk tone as she leads us inside. "I am mortal, my lord. I have only served my lords for a year now. Anything prior to that I would have no knowledge of."