Page 52 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
“Don’t worry about the cops. Every number I used is untraceable, and you’re a felon. I’ll claim self-defense…by your standards, that’s what we call murder, right?”
“Interesting…” I say just as my backup steps out of the shadows.
“Who the fuck is that?” Krystal aims her gun at him, and Dana whips out one as well. “I told you to come alone!”
“Well, you brought a guest. I figured it was only proper etiquette that I brought someone too.”
“Very funny. Who the fuck are you?” she sneers.
“My name’s Liam Evans. I’m a bounty hunter, but I’m here on a personal job.” He looks over at me and winks as he continues recording the scene with his body cam. The shoulder holster he’s wearing has two loaded guns, which the girls definitely notice.
“Put down your weapons,” Krystal demands, growing hysterical. “Or I’ll shoot.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” I unbutton my shirt and reveal the wire taped to my chest. “Put yours down, or Liam will shoot you.”
“You’re bluffing. That’s a fake wire.”
On cue, sirens blast from behind me, and I flash her a mischievous smirk.
“You have two options here, Krystal. Lower your gun, or the police will force you to. You can either go to jail for stalking or sit in state prison for attempted murder.”
Dana does what I say, and I can tell she’s not as invested as Krystal is. She stumbles away from Krystal like she’s in shock and is going to pass out.
“Or my third option…” Krystal loads a round and aims her gun directly at me. “I shoot you and deal with the consequences later.”
“Then I’ll immediately take you down,” Liam confirms, drawing both weapons. “Hope you aren’t accustomed to your kneecaps because my aim is on point. Don’t worry, though, I’ll make sure you survive. I wouldn’t want you missing out on the luxuries of cell living. Oh, and I’ll happily claim self-defense since you had your gun drawn first.”
“Krystal, put it down,” Dana whispers as the sirens grow louder.
Liam steps closer, keeping his eyes on them both. “This isn’t going to end well if you don’t cooperate.”
I back up slowly as Liam approaches, standing between Krystal and me. Tires crunch against the gravel road, and I know we’ll be surrounded by the police within minutes. “Fuck you both!” Krystal screams, then pulls the trigger.
The deafening sound of the shot rings out, and the scene plays in slow motion.
Dana screams as Liam goes down. I rush toward him as Krystal runs off. Cops swarm the area with their handguns pointed. So much happens at once.
“Dude, you okay?” I ask Liam as I scan over his body for the wound.
“Shit, I hate when that happens,” he mutters, then grins.
“What?” I ask in disbelief.
Liam lifts his shirt and reveals a bulletproof vest.
“You asshole, why didn’t you tell me?”
“After a couple of close calls, I learned to keep one nearby. Figured it wouldn’t hurt to put it on. Glad I was right.”
“Jesus Christ, I want to kick your ass.” I scrub a hand through my hair as sweat drips down my face.
Grabbing his hand, I help him to his feet. “I like to keep things interesting. Thankfully, she didn’t shoot you, though.”
“No shit!” I tell him, noticing Dana’s in handcuffs. A couple of officers have already captured Krystal, and they’re nearly dragging her to the car as she spits curse words left and right.
She glares at me as she passes. “This isn’t over, Boone!”
“You have the right to remain silent…so shut the fuck up,” one officer says, shaking his head.
“You can’t talk to me like that!” Krystal shouts in disbelief.
I can’t contain my laughter. This played out better than I imagined, and honestly, I’m shocked as hell, but happy this is finally over.
“I still have no clue how you pulled this off,” I tell Liam. “Never in a million years did I think this would work. I was holding out hope but preparing for the worst.”
“Nah, man. I’ve worked with these guys for years. It’s a I scratch their backs, and they scratch mine kind of situation. Call us co-dependent.”
“Yeah, you owe us one, Evans!” one of them shouts. “This was my goddamn day off!”
Liam chuckles in amusement. “Get over it, Huddy. Not like your stripper wife is waiting around for ya. She’s too busy entertaining the firemen.”
“That’s because she makes more money than him,” another guy chimes in, and a bunch of them laugh.
“Fuck you,” Huddy spits out, looking their way. “Let’s get these girls booked so I can go home, okay?”
“I’m gonna need a full recap of how you managed this,” I tell Liam as we jump in the truck. “And a copy of that recording. Otherwise, Everleigh’s never gonna believe this.”
We go to the police station to provide the evidence with our statements. With the reports I filed in Lawton Ridge and the recordings from tonight, there’s enough to charge her.