Page 50 of Wanting You Close (Archer & Everleigh 2)
“You need to go home,” she tells me after finishing all the closing duties. “All that will be here for you tomorrow.”
I sigh with a small smile. “Yeah, you’re right.”
When I check my phone and don’t see a text from Archer, I frown. He usually sends me messages throughout the day, but sometimes, he gets really busy too.
Everleigh: Hey babe, I’m about to leave work. Want a ride home?
I wait for a response but realize it doesn’t show it was delivered.
That’s odd.
As I walk to my car, I call him, but it goes straight to voicemail.
His phone must’ve died.
I don’t see him walking as I drive home so he might’ve already made it there.
Sassy greets me at the door and I call out for Archer. No response. I let Sassy outside, then notice a folded sheet of paper with my name written on the outside.
I read every word on the page with disbelief. There’s no way he just left.
I try his cell again. Voicemail.
What the fuck? Something’s wrong.
I call Tyler, and as soon as he answers, I ask if he knows where Archer is.
“He left around lunch because he wasn’t feeling well.”
“Did he say he was going somewhere?” I ask.
“I assumed he was heading home to rest. Why?”
My heart beats faster in my chest, and I swallow hard. “Because he’s not here. He left a note saying that he wouldn’t keep putting my life at risk and for me not to go looking for him.”
“Seriously?” Tyler snaps. “Did something else happen?”
“Not that I know of. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t talk to me first. How could he just leave me like this?”
After a beat of silence, Tyler responds, “Maybe it’s for the best, Ev. If his past is following him, that ultimately affects you. He’s protecting you.”
“That’s not good enough for me. We need to find him, Tyler. I don’t care what he thinks. We’re better together, not apart.”
“Archer’s a big boy. He can handle himself. If he left to keep you safe, then you need to stay put. We don’t know what’s going on, so let him handle it.”
I shake my head, hot tears spilling down my cheeks at the realization that Tyler won’t help me. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing,” I say through a sob. “I love him.”
“I know, and he loves you too. But it’s obvious he’s dealing with something, and maybe he can’t do that with you around.”
“He could get hurt,” I say. “What if I never see him again?”
“I don’t know, Everleigh. I can try to call him, but I doubt he’ll answer, especially if he didn’t wait to tell you goodbye.”
“He sent me straight to voicemail,” I confirm. “Let me know if you do hear from him, please?”
“Of course.”
When we hang up moments later, I re-read his letter. I hold on to each word trying to make sense of it, but can’t.
At least when most relationships are over, the healing process can start, and there’s closure. But this feels different, almost like he was being forced.
After I let Sassy back in, I go into Archer’s room and lie down. It looks exactly as it did this morning. Bed unmade as usual, a lonely sock on the floor, and one of his dresser drawers half-open. Even the panties he ripped off last night are still in place. Wherever he went, he packed without disturbing anything.
Maybe that means he’ll be back? I remain hopeful, but in the meantime, my heart’s shattering.
How the hell were we just talking about getting a dog together to him abandoning me?
I fall asleep with Sassy next to me and wake up a couple of hours later. The doorbell rings, and my shoulders tense. Months later, and I still hate answering it.
Looking out the peephole, I see my best friends with a couple of bags in their hands.
“It’s us, Ev. Open up,” Gemma shouts.
I open the door, and they’re wearing sad expressions. Tyler must’ve said something to Gemma.
“We brought reinforcements,” Katie says as she walks past me.
“And the men are watching the kids tonight,” Gemma adds, wrapping her arms around me. “Let’s get some food and alcohol in you, then chat.”
Katie offers me a glass of wine, and I take it. When I sit on the couch with Gemma, I ask her if Archer acted unusual this morning.
“No, I only saw him for a moment. He stays busy with clients, and I’m usually jumping between reception and the smoothie bar.”
“Has he gotten any more threatening texts?” Katie asks.
“Well, to my knowledge, there were some sent a few weeks ago. He promised to tell me when he got them but didn’t mention anything recent to me,” I explain with an edge in my tone. We made a deal to be honest with each other, and he wasn’t. Now, I’m pissed.