Page 4 of Wicked (Diamondback MC 7)
“Damn it, Bennett. You promised you wouldn’t do anything stupid. What if you got hurt in jail?” Shila is ticked. I’d rather take her mad as hell than on the verge of tears.
“I’m right here. You wanna let me know what’s been goin’ on in your life, seein’ how you’re thousands of miles away from home, bustin’ your ass, and don’t even have a car to get you from point A to point B?” That’s when I notice the cloud darkening around us. “Fuck, hold that thought. It’s about to pour. You okay to ride?” I stand up. Shila doesn’t move. If anything, she’s closer. Her tits are pressed against my chest, having me think of all the fuckin’ ways I haven’t had this woman before.
“Yeah, I guess it’s better to have this talk back at my place than to have the whole town hearing about our past.” I take my last drag from my smoke then drop it on the ground to kill the lit end, attempting to leave it when Shila says, “Ahem. You do realize those are not biodegradable.” Same shit she said back when we were in high school. I bend down, pick it up, and put it in my pocket.
“Better?” I ask, throwing a leg over my Harley, starting the bike, and then flipping up the kickstand, holding it steady for her to get on.
“Much. Don’t try to make any sudden movements. I’ve never been on a death trap before, so you’ll have to give me the lay of the land,” she jokes, but her hand is on my shoulder, her leg is sliding over, much like mine did, and when Shila is sitting down, there ain’t a stitch of space between us.
“Not much to it, butterfly. Hold on, keep your ass still, and let the bike lean you so you don’t throw me or the bike off balance.”
“Okay,” she says over my shoulder. I pull out into the street, already knowing where she lives. Ever since I landed at the Inn, seeing Shila, I’ve been her fuckin’ Shadow. Nothing will ever change that again.
I didn’t know how to let go of Bennett, not when I was sixteen and definitely not now. As if he can’t tell by the way my arms are completely wrapped around his midsection, feeling his rock-hard abs. And it’s not just that either. Bennett is rock solid everywhere. Literally. From his back to his arms to his stomach. And that’s not even including his legs.
“You, okay?” he yells over his shoulder. Between the deep rumble of the pipes beneath me, causing a whole different shiver that I’m definitely not prepared for, and the huskiness in his tone, it’s bringing back all the feelings from the past, making me crave Bennett more than what I’m sure is healthy considering what happened between us.
“Yes!” I wince because I’m clearly screaming in his ear with how I’ve dipped my head. The mirror on his bike attests to that, since what I see is him shaking his head and tipping up his lips in an almost smile.
I move my head away from his shoulder and place my forehead on his back, trying to redeem myself from looking like a complete and total idiot. And leave it to Bennett to make me feel better. His hand lands on my lower leg, rubbing it up and down. It doesn’t last long, just a few short sweeps, but it’s enough to give me some faith that I’m not a total loser.
We’re pulling into my place. How Bennett knows where I live, I have no idea. I shouldn’t be surprised, though. Bennett always could get information anyway he could. I remember one time, when I told him I loved him in the throes of desire. I attempted to take it back, but he wouldn’t have it. His wicked tongue worked until I admitted what he wanted to hear. Then he relayed the message loud and clear when he finally sank inside me, telling me he loved me in return.
I start to get off once he’s in my assigned parking spot that I don’t even use because of the lack of a vehicle. Which is fine. I’d rather see my money in the bank, save as much as I can, and live debt free.
“Not yet, butterfly.” He squeezes my leg. I sit my ass still, feeling like even more of an idiot than I already am.
“I’m sorry.” I drop my hands from his sides, feeling like I’m failing at life in general.
“Nothing to be sorry about. You’ll get the hang of it. It takes time, Shila.” He sets the kickstand down, then nods at me. I use my hands on his shoulders to guide myself off. That’s when I feel the first drop of rain.
“I guess you were right about the weather.” I tip my head back to look at the sky, a smile on my face because I’m that weird girl who loves nothing better than hearing the rain coming down, smelling it in the distance, the clouds that merge in the sky making it dark and gloomy.