Page 23 of Filthy Twin Fighters (Forbidden Fantasies 36)
“Perfect,” Mara responds. “I’ll text you the address of the precinct and meet you there in twenty minutes. Hopefully, we’ll get the twins out in a jiffy using your statement.”
With that, our phone call is over and I sit on my bed limply with my cell in hand. Holy shit, what’s going on? I can’t breathe for a moment and merely try to process what’s just happened. My lovers have been charged with a raft of serious crimes and even more unbelievably, the alleged victim is me! But that’s not true in the slightest, and mustering my resolve, I sit up straight. I have to put an end to this travesty.
At that moment, there’s a gentle knock on the door.
“Pais?” comes Diana’s voice from the other side. “Is everything okay?”
I get up on wooden legs and pull open the door.
“Not really, but there have been some stunning developments.”
Suddenly, Diana’s phone rings and she cringes. “I’m so sorry, girlfriend, but after I ducked out early yesterday, I’m in hot water. I really need to get to work, even though it’s the weekend. You know how demanding the law firm is. Can you tell me when I’m back later this evening?”
I nod.
“Yeah of course, and yes, you should go. Don’t worry about me because we’re going to work this out. Besides, you’ve done so much for me already. Thanks, girlfriend.”
Di nods and pats my arm.
“Good luck. I love you.”
“Love you, too. Now go get ‘em.”
With that, my buddy grabs her purse and exits. I’m all alone in the apartment now, still utterly stunned, but then I spring into action. I have to get to the station, and then I need to get to the courthouse to speak with the DA, I presume. But what do I wear? What should I say? Everything’s a confusing mess, but I’m determined to get my lovers out of jail no matter what it takes.
* * *
My back is shot from sleeping on a shitty cot last night, although of course “sleep” is a misnomer. Instead, I tossed and turned as we worried about Paisley. What is our girl going to think? Where the fuck did these charges come from anyways? Talon and I are incensed but there’s no way to express our rage from the inside of a prison cell.
But this morning, things seemed to have turned a corner. A guard approaches our cell and to my surprise, unlocks the door before letting it swing open.
“Creighton, you’re free to go,” he says in a gritty voice. “Both of you.”
My brother and I look at one another before rising to our feet and strolling out. The police station bustles with its daily business but hardly anyone looks at us as we exit onto the sun-dappled steps outside. Then, we’re attacked by Paisley, who leaps into our arms with joy before bursting into tears.
“I didn’t know you were coming, sweetheart,” I whisper, hugging her tightly. “I’m so sorry about all this.”
Paisley’s sobbing piteously and my heart breaks. “It’s all my fault!” she cries. “All this bullshit is my fault!”
She keeps repeating the statement over and over again no matter how many times we try to console her. She cries into my shoulder as Talon rubs circles onto her back with a tormented expression. Meanwhile, Mara Hoffman, our attorney, stands to the side, her form tall and imposing.
“Mr. Creighton,” she says in a low voice. “I’m sorry this happened but the good news it that it’s been cleared up, as you can see. Paisley came into the station today and clarified that in fact, she is not a minor, and that she has not been extorted nor exploited by you or your brother in any way. The DA immediately dropped the charges against you.”
Hearing those words only makes our woman cry harder, and Paisley’s arms are like steel bands around my neck.
“Shh, honey,” I murmur into her hair. “It’s okay. We know that none of this was your fault.”
“But still,” she cries. “Who was the anonymous informant who spewed these lies? It’s crazy that your big moment in the spotlight was ruined based on false information!”
“Yes, who was it?” Talon growls from beside me. “It’s fucking disgusting how neither the DA nor law enforcement did any type of investigation before interrupting the event last night.”
Ms. Hoffman nods.
“Yes, but you must understand that any time a tip regarding a minor comes through, law enforcement prefers to act first and ask questions later. It’s just the way they function. It’s better to be safe than sorry because what if a minor is being exploited?” she adds rhetorically. “They would rather not take the chance.”
I grunt.
“Still, this has been a fucking travesty and I intend on letting our elected politicians know.”
“Of course,” Mara nods. “I’m happy to talk with you about next steps, and whether you’d like to press civil charges based on the injury you’ve suffered. But let me give you time to re-group first. I know this has been a difficult ordeal, and I’ll give you your privacy.”