Page 17 of Filthy Twin Fighters (Forbidden Fantasies 36)
My heart starts thumping and I bite my lip because the truth is that Talon, Torment and I generally use condoms, but there were a few times that we got so into it that we didn’t have a chance to pause. Both Torment and Talon released their seed inside me, and I loved every second of it. In fact, I begged them for more, saying that it felt “natural” and “so right” to go without protection. It wasn’t frequent or anything, but still, it did happen a few times.
“You’re dating twins, too,” Diana continues, reading my look. “And the Creightons are professional athletes. They’re undoubtedly very virile.”
My heart races and a sweat breaks out on my brow. “Oh my God. Do you really think I could be pregnant?”
Di nods knowingly.
“There’s only one way to find out. You should take a pregnancy test, girlfriend.”
“Really? It’ll be negative, I’m sure of it.”
Yet I don’t sound confident at all, and my buddy knows I’m freaking out inside. She slides her hand over mine gently.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. We’ll figure this out. But I do think you should take a test, and soon too because there are things that need to happen early on during a pregnancy to make sure the baby is healthy. For example, I don’t think you’re supposed to drink a ton of caffeine, and I think that mothers-to-be take pre-natal vitamins too.”
I stare at the steaming java in front of me. OMG, Diana’s conviction is freaking me out, but I know she’s right. As much as I want to pretend this isn’t a possibility, I do need to take a pregnancy test.
But then my friend smiles sunnily.
“As scandalous as it is that you’re dating two guys at once, it’s super hot, too. And to think you might be pregnant by two men! Wow, that’s one for the Guinness Book of World Records, right?”
I merely drop my face into my hands. I know my buddy’s trying to get my mind off the possible pregnancy, and I appreciate that about her, but still. She’s not helping right now. Meanwhile, Di gets up.
“Listen, let’s go to the drugstore now and get you a test.”
I lift my face from my hands.
“Yes, now,” Diana says firmly. “Come on, it’s just down the street.” With that, she grabs my hand and drags me out the door. I’m a total mess mentally, and can’t even find the energy to protest. Instead, I’m a limp noodle, following behind her as if in a trance.
“Stop freaking out, Paisley,” Diana commands when we get to the store. “All you can do is take this one step at a time. The test comes first, and then we’ll figure out the rest once we get the results, okay? It’s not scary. It’s just what you have to do.”
I nod and take a deep breath.
“Okay. Gotcha.”
With that, we stop in front of the family planning section. Holy cow, there seem to be a billion different pregnancy tests in boxes of all sizes and shapes. The choice overwhelms me, and again, I feel a miasma come over my brain.
“Which one should I choose?” I ask tentatively.
My friend shrugs, eyeing the lot. “I’ve never done this before. Maybe we should buy a few so that you can be absolutely sure? What do you think?”
I nod and randomly, we pick out five different tests. The good news is that the cashier doesn’t even blink as she checks us out. I suppose I’m not the first nervous woman to come in here for a pregnancy test, and she probably witnesses this scenario all the time.
Bag in hand, Diana and I walk back to our apartment and I immediately lock myself in the bathroom.
“Let me know if you need anything!” she calls through the door. I don’t even reply. I just pee on the indicators, and then lay the tests out on the edge of the sink before letting Diana in. She holds my hand as we wait for the timer to go off.
My alarm rings, and I check the first stick. There’s a pink cross, which means I’m pregnant.
“Oh my God,” I gasp. Although I’m nervous, excitement bubbles in my stomach. Holy shit! Am I really carrying Talon and Torment’s baby?
Sure enough, the other four tests have the same result. I am absolutely, definitely expecting the Creightons’ baby, and I’m so stunned that I can only stand there, staring at the plastic indicators with a dazed expression on my face.
But Diana hugs me with a smile. “Congratulations, Mama! I know this was unexpected, but I’m really happy for you. I think you and the twins will be amazing parents.”
I squeeze her tight. “Thank you, but honestly, this was unexpected, and I hope the Creightons are as happy as I am.”
She cocks her head to the side
“Do you know which of the twins is the father?”