Page 22 of The Heir the Prince Secures
Then he remembered what Tess cared about most.
“Let me give our daughter a name,” he said huskily. “Let me give her a home. Let me be her father. I want you as my wife. My family.”
Pulling the solid gold signet ring off his finger, Stefano slowly went down on one knee. All the women in the bakery gasped, but he had eyes only for her. He took her hand, looking up at her.
“Marry me, Tess.”
She sucked in her breath. He saw tears in her eyes, and he knew he had her.
“Until I can get you a diamond ring, I offer this.” He held up the signet ring. “It’s been in my family for generations. I give it as my pledge of fidelity. My promise of forever.” He looked up at her. “Will you, Tess? Will you be mine, not just now, but forever?”
For a moment, she seemed to hold her breath, as if caught between desire and fear.
“Say yes,” squealed one of her young cousins.
“Yes!” cried the other one.
“Do it, Tess,” her aunt said hoarsely. “Seize your dreams before it’s too late.”
The uncle was silent, watching them.
Tess shivered. Then her fingers tightened over his.
“Yes,” she whispered.
Triumph rushed through Stefano, greater than he’d ever felt before, even when he’d made his first million, when he’d made his first billion. This was better. What he’d assumed was an entitlement to be merely demanded—Tess’s hand in marriage—had become, with her hesitation, a prize to be fought for and won.
Still kneeling, he fervently kissed her hand, then slid on the gold signet ring engraved with the Zacco coat of arms. Her fingers were too delicate, so it would fit only on her thumb, and even then, she had to keep her hand closed.
“We’ll get you another ring immediately,” he promised, rising to his feet. But he didn’t release her hand. He loved the feel of her smaller hand in his own, and soon he would have more of her.
All of her.
Tess gave him a shy smile. “I like your ring fine.”
“Plain gold? No. You’ll have a diamond. The best in the city.” Only one woman in a million, he thought, would have said she didn’t need a big diamond ring. Only one woman would have been reluctant to marry him unless it was for the right reasons. A woman who put her child above herself, and who was loyal and kind and true.
As he stood beside her in the weak September light from the bakery’s windows, her family rushed forward to congratulate them. Stefano looked at Tess, now being hugged tearfully by her aunt and cousins.
He could hardly wait to marry her.
“You’d better take good care of her,” the uncle said gruffly behind him. “After the year of hell you put her through.”
Stefano turned with a single brusque nod. “I will.”
“When will you marry?” the aunt asked, smiling.
He turned to Tess. “Tomorrow.”
They all looked at one another, astonished. “Tomorrow?”
“Yes. I’ll take you to London as my wife.”
Her beautiful face appeared entranced as she nodded, ducking her head. “All right,” she whispered. “Tomorrow.”
“I cannot wait,” he said huskily, feeling a swell of pride and the glory of conquest. Cupping her face in his hands, he lowered his mouth passionately to hers. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.