Page 29 of Carrying the Spaniard's Child
“Um...” She tried to think, then said triumphantly, “Letty and Darius.”
“That just proves my point. They didn’t marry for love. T
hey got lucky. Or else they decided to make the best of things.”
She bit her lip and said in a small voice, “Maybe we can do that, too.”
He rewarded her with a smile. “My executive assistant has already planned a meeting with the most exclusive wedding planner in the city.”
“You will meet with this planner?”
“No, you will. You’re the bride. I have a company to run.”
“I didn’t realize you were so old-fashioned, with the gender roles.”
He flashed a grin. “I know my place. The wedding day always belongs to the bride.”
The dread in Belle’s stomach only intensified. “I don’t need a big wedding. We could just go to City Hall...”
“Like Letty and Darius?”
That shut her up. Though Letty and Darius were happy now, their wedding had been awful, no matter how Belle had tried to put a positive spin on it. “Fine,” she said in a small voice. “Have it your way.”
Reaching out, he touched her shoulder. “At least we know what we’re getting into. Our marriage will last. No delusions of hearts and flowers. You won’t expect me to fulfill your every girlish fantasy.”
Pulling away, she tossed her head. “You couldn’t, even if you tried.”
Santiago gave her a sideways glance, his eyes suddenly dark as he murmured, “I could fulfill a few.” As she shivered at the huskiness of his voice, the SUV stopped.
“We’re here, sir.”
“Thank you, Ivan. Come.” He turned to Belle. “The staff is waiting to meet you.”
“By staff, do you mean that butler I met?” she said nervously.
“Yes, but Jones isn’t the only one. We have three live-in staff members. Four others live out.”
“Just for you?” she said in dismay. He smiled.
“For us.”
The door was opened by their driver, Ivan. As he and Kip, a bodyguard who had tattoos on his neck and a mean stare, brought in their luggage, Santiago helped Belle out of the SUV. Looking up at his brownstone mansion, she gulped.
When she’d first come here a few days ago to tell Santiago she was pregnant, she never could have imagined she’d return as his fiancée and mistress of the house!
Inside the front door, seven uniformed members of staff stood waiting in the enormous foyer beneath the skylight. At the head of the line was the butler who’d been so cold to her when she’d last visited the house. Looking at her, the man narrowed his eyes in a scowl.
Nervously, she tried to draw back, but Santiago held her hand securely.
“Good evening to you all,” he said gravely. “Thank you for waiting for our arrival.” He glanced at Belle. “I’m pleased to introduce you to my future bride, Miss Belle Langtry.”
“Hello, miss.”
“Lovely to meet you, miss.”
As each staff member introduced themselves to Belle in turn, she felt embarrassed. She felt like a fraud. Like she belonged in the staff line herself. What did she know about being the lady of the manor? Her friend Letty had been born to it, but Belle didn’t have a clue, and she was sure it showed. She ducked her head bashfully.