Page 38 of The Secret the Italian Claims
But as the facialist covered her eyelids with cool cucumber slices, a faint hint of memory teased her. Where had she heard that name?
“This is nice,” Lola said, and sighed from the next chair. “You should put something about spa days in your prenup, Hallie.”
“My what?” Hallie yawned.
“Your prenuptial agreement.”
“Cristiano hasn’t asked for one.”
“He will. Trust me. Rich men always look out for themselves. He’ll want a legal contract. Read your prenup carefully.”
“A contract for marriage? That’s silly,” Hallie said, already half-asleep as the pedicurist massaged her feet. “Marriage is forever. We’re going to take care of each other.”
Two hours later, as Hallie walked back through the soaring lobby of the Campania Hotel, she felt so relaxed she glowed. For the first time since Cristiano had taken her virginity and kicked her out of the hotel, she felt...happy.
Cristiano had done that, she realized. He’d arranged everything.
He was so different from the selfish, arrogant bastard she’d once thought him to be. He’d gotten her the simple gold ring she wanted, instead of the enormous diamond. He’d invited her friends to join her for a spa afternoon. He hadn’t once said the word prenup. And, even now, he was taking care of their baby.
She turned around, and all the relaxed, good feelings in her body fled.
Cristiano was sauntering through the lobby with a briefcase, Luther behind him. Coming up to her, he kissed her cheek softly. “Did you have an enjoyable afternoon?”
“Yes.” But where—where was—Hallie looked all around with rising panic, her eyes wide. Her heart lifted to her throat. “Where’s Jack?”
Cristiano gave a low laugh. “Upstairs in the penthouse. Safe. In the best of hands.”
“Whose?” she choked out. “Why isn’t he with you?”
Cristiano started walking toward the elevator, in no particular hurry. “I had to go to my lawyer’s office, to collect the prenuptial agreement.”
“The what?”
His handsome face looked down at her quizzically. “The prenuptial agreement, cara. Of course we must have one.”
Hallie’s jaw tightened. Turning away, she pushed the elevator button multiple times. When the elevator finally opened, she rushed inside. He followed her, frowning.
re you in a rush?”
“How can you ask me that?” She frantically tried to push the button for the penthouse floor, but it didn’t work until he placed his finger against the keypad, after which the elevator door slid closed.
“Are you upset at the idea of a prenup? You surely cannot think I would marry you without one, exposing me to the risk of New York’s divorce laws and the possibility of losing half my fortune.”
She whirled on him. “You think I care about money?”
He looked at her evenly. “Everyone cares about money.”
“You left our son with a stranger!”
Cristiano’s shoulders relaxed. “He could hardly come with me to the lawyer’s office. But you don’t need to worry. I left him in the care of the best nanny in the city.”
He didn’t get it, Hallie realized. She’d been a fool to let herself be lulled into trusting him with her baby, even for an afternoon!
Her fears proved right. Even before the elevator opened on the top floor, she could hear her baby crying.