Page 29 of The Secret Baby Scandal
She’d never looked so beautiful. No woman on earth could compare. Her clothes we
re just jeans and a simple polka-dotted blouse. She wore no makeup but the glow of happiness, and her hair was swept back in a glossy ponytail. Her only jewelry was the engagement ring sparkling on her finger. But the marble-size diamond wasn’t half as brilliant as the love and light shining from her hazel eyes.
Théo felt a sharp lump in his throat.
“What was that all about?” Carrie asked, glancing behind her to where the lawyer had disappeared.
He cleared his throat, but it still took several seconds before he could speak over the razor blade in his throat. “That’s Jacques Menton. My head attorney.”
“Finishing up some business before we leave? That’s good.” She gave him an arch, impish grin. “Because once we’re married you’re all mine. The honeymoon will last a year. Maybe two.”
This hurt more than he’d thought. He swallowed. “I have to tell you something.”
She smiled back at him, happiness and trust shining through her. “What’s that, my love?”
His knees felt weak. He sat down heavily in his desk chair. He had to get this over with. Get her out of here as quickly as possible, before his will failed.
He looked up at her. “I’ve known almost the whole time that Henry is my son.”
Her smile widened, her eyes glowing with pure adoration. “You realized I wouldn’t lie to you?”
“I got the results of the paternity test almost immediately.” He reached for her hand, then suddenly knew that if he touched her he’d never be able to get through this. He placed his hands flat on the desk. “Before I’d even bought that ring for you, I already knew.”
Carrie looked down at the sparkling jewel, then back at him, bewildered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he said grimly. “So I’d have time to seduce you into bed and make you agree to my proposal.”
The light in her eyes faded. Then a new thought occurred to her, and she looked up with a beaming smile. “And I had time to teach you how to love—so we’re even.”
The light and joy in her eyes made his heart stop in his chest.
This was the moment. He had to do it.
“But I don’t, Carrie,” he said in a low voice.
She tilted her head guilelessly, still happy, only slightly confused. “Don’t what?”
Pushing his arms against his desk, he rose to his feet. He looked straight into her eyes, like he was looking at an enemy over the barrel of a rifle. “I don’t love you.”
Her face went pale. “What?”
“You heard me.” He pushed the papers he’d just signed across the desk toward her. “I’ve just signed a custody agreement. We’ll share custody of Henry, but you’ll have physical custody. I have created an extremely generous financial arrangement for you both. Neither you nor in fact anyone in your family needs ever work again, if you do not wish.”
Carrie looked as if he’d just kicked her in the face. Her creamy rose-pink skin suddenly had the cold green pallor of a corpse.
“You do love me,” she choked out. “I know you do. You said—”
“It was a lie.” He looked away. “You’ll be better off without me, Carrie,” he said. “You and Henry will both be better off with your family. You will find a man who can truly love you. A man who will—”
Deserve you, he’d been going to say, but his voice cut off.
She lifted her chin. “You love me. I’ve felt it.”
He was going to have to be brutal. “You were right all along,” he said roughly. “I only wanted you when I couldn’t have you. But now you’ve become so unbearably clingy…” She gasped.
“I’m sorry, ma petite,” he said coldly, “but I don’t want a wife or a child anymore. I will always love my son, and I tried my best to love you. But I’m not capable of it.” Clenching his jaw, he looked straight into her face. “You need to find a man who is.”
She didn’t answer. She was visibly trembling. Her eyes looked huge in her white face.