Page 57 of Her Boss's One-Night Baby
Hana felt awful. “I never meant to.”
“I know.” He squared his shoulders. “I came to thank you. For telling me what I needed to hear.”
“Even though I broke your heart?”
Ren shook his head. “It hurt, but not as much as my years of silent longing and hoping before. It’s why I hated Delacruz from the moment you started working for him. I could hear the way you spoke about him.” He paused. “But when you told me you’d never love me, as hard as it was to hear, it freed me. I was finally able to move on. And now... I’m happier than I’
ve ever been.”
“You’ve found someone else,” she guessed.
He nodded shyly. “That’s the other news I wanted to share. Emika Ito—you remember her?”
“The head of the Tokyo lead team?”
Ren nodded. “The night of your wedding, she came over and started talking to me. She’s a good person, a kind person.”
“And pretty,” Hana added slyly.
“Yeah. That, too.” He grinned. “We ended up doing shots at the bar and then...”
Happiness glowed from him. “The next day, she wanted to check on me, just to see I was all right. And gradually, our friendship turned into more.” Ren shook his head. “It’s strange. When you left Tokyo, I thought my heart would be broken forever.” He looked down at the ring. “I never imagined how wonderful it could be to have someone love me like Emika does. And the way I love her! It makes me realize... My love for you was never real.” He gave her a crooked grin. “I hope you’re not offended.”
“I’m thrilled!”
“Yesterday, I was finishing a conference in Paris, and I decided I couldn’t wait any longer. I went to a jeweler and bought this ring. I’m going to ask her to marry me as soon as I’m back in Tokyo. I’ll throw a big party, do everything I can to show her how much I love her. And I thought...” He lifted his gaze. “Who else could I share this big news with, if not my best friend?”
Tears lifted to Hana’s eyes. Ren was in love. He was getting married. And in spite of all their past troubles, he’d come to share the news with her. “I’m so glad.”
“Thank you.” He tucked the black velvet box back in his pocket. Then his voice changed. “But what about you? Are you happy, Hana?”
“Of course,” she said automatically, then flinched at the wobble in her voice.
Ren’s jaw tightened. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
She gave him a sad smile. “You might be my best friend, but I can’t tell you about my marriage.”
“I understand.”
“You do?”
He shrugged. “I’ve always thought Delacruz was a jerk. You know that. But if Emika and I were having a fight, I wouldn’t want her to run tell some other man about it. I’d want her to talk to me, so we could work through it.”
“Some things can’t be worked through,” Hana whispered.
His eyes narrowed. “He’s hurt you—cheated on you?”
She was aghast. “No!”
“He...he just doesn’t want to share his life with me, not really. He doesn’t want to share his heart.”
“Maybe he’s afraid.” His eyes met hers. “I get it. But love can fix the broken pieces. I’ve learned that better than anyone. Maybe your heart won’t be the same as it was, but—” the corners of his lips lifted “—it can be repaired, and more precious and beautiful for all that.”
Her throat ached with pain. “Kintsugi.”