Page 60 of Christmas Baby For The Greek
A wave of emotion went over Holly’s face. But he saw her control it, saw her accept it and master it.
“We’ll share custody,” she said quietly. “You’ll always be in his life.” She allowed herself a rueful smile. “Although let’s be honest. Working eighteen-hour days, Christmas included, you weren’t exactly going to see him much, anyway, were you? Even if we all lived in the same house.”
Stavros’s heart twisted at the thought of no longer living in the same house as his baby son. But how could he argue with her?
Everything she’d said was true. Just like with her birthday party, he’d made grand promises he hadn’t kept. He’d sworn he’d be an amazing father. Then he’d disappeared to the office.
He yearned to reach for her, to drag her into his arms, to kiss her senseless until she agreed to forget this love idea and stay with him forever.
But he was backed into a corner. Holly was leaving him, and there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn’t lure or romance her into staying, knowing he’d be stealing her soul and giving nothing back in return. He couldn’t be such a monster, allowing her to remain and look at him each day with heartbreaking hope in her eyes, yearning for love he couldn’t give.
Nor could he be the spiteful, selfish man his father had been, trying to hold her against her will, by threatening to take custody of Freddie or withholding the five million dollars guaranteed by their prenuptial agreement, in a malicious attempt to punish her, or keep her down.
“Where will you go?” he asked in a small voice.
“Tonight? So late?”
“I wasn’t sure when you’d get home tonight.” She gave a brief smile. “Or even if you’d come home.”
His eyes tightened. “I explained why I was late.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” Her smile was sad. “Freddie and I are booked on the first plane to Zurich tomorrow. It leaves at five. It seemed easier to stay overnight at a hotel by the airport. Eleni’s already there with him.”
He wouldn’t even get to say goodbye to his son? He felt a lump in his throat, a coldness spreading to his chest. He wanted to argue, to demand more time.
Then he looked at Holly. She’d already decided. Once a woman knew what she wanted, what was to be gained from waiting?
He’d never admired her more than he did in this moment.
All he could try to do was accept her decision better than his own father had. He forced himself to ask the question. “When can I see him again?”
“Anytime you come to Switzerland.”
His voice was hoarse as he said, “Take my jet.”
Holly looked surprised at his offer, then gave a crooked half grin. “We don’t need anything so fancy. Commercial is fine. Just a seat in economy class with my baby in my lap.”
Stavros imagined his wife crammed into an uncomfortable middle seat, with four-hundred-pound men on each side of her, and their baby squirming and crying in her lap for nine hours straight. “If you don’t want to take my jet, at least fly first class. You don’t need to economize. Your prenuptial agreement guarantees—”
“No.” She cut him off harshly. “That’s Freddie’s money.”
“I’ll always provide for Freddie. The five million is yours.”
“I don’t want it.” Her green eyes were hard. Then she added lightly, “Anyway, first class is no place for a baby. The executives and supermodels up there would smash their champagne flutes and attack us if Freddie started crying. Which he will. His ears always hurt during takeoff. You remember how it was when we flew to Greece. And New York.”
Their eyes met, and he felt a stab in his chest.
“My jet will take you.” He was proud of his matter-of-fact tone.
“It’s not necessary—”
“Stop arguing.” His voice was flat, brooking no opposition. “You don’t need to sleep in a motel ’til morning. You can leave at once. Freddie will be more comfortable. You know it’s true.”
She sighed. “Thanks,” she said slowly. Pulling the huge diamond ring off her finger, she held it out. “This belongs to you.”