Page 25 of Christmas Baby For The Greek
erday, he’d wondered how it could be true. Why would Holly not tell him about a pregnancy? Was it some kind of nefarious attempt at revenge for his seduction and subsequent rejection? Holly had apparently kept the news from her sister as well. She’d only told her yesterday, obviously knowing Nicole would tell Oliver and he’d tell Stavros. But why?
Now it was clear. Holly had been afraid. He gritted his teeth at that insult. But now, with her baby safely born, she was ready to claim the fortune that was due her.
Stavros looked around the ramshackle old cabin, saw the cracks between the logs where the cold wind blew. Holly was no gold digger, but any mother would want the best for her child. She was ready for them to live in greater comfort, and who could blame her?
Now that he understood her motivation, Stavros relaxed.
“You have nothing to worry about,” he proclaimed. “I will provide for the baby, if he’s mine.”
“If?” she repeated in fury.
“I want to meet him.”
Holly glared at him. “No.”
Stavros blinked. “What?”
“You came here to find out if I’d had your baby. Fine. Now you know. Your lawyers probably gave you papers for me to sign. Some kind of settlement to make sure neither I nor my baby would ever make a claim on your full fortune.”
“How did you know—” He cut himself off too late. She gave him a cold smile.
“I was a secretary for many years to powerful men. I know how you all think. You’re no different from the rest.” She came closer, her eyes glowing intently. “I don’t want your money. I’ll take nothing from you. And nothing is what you’ll get in return. Freddie is mine. You will relinquish all parental rights.”
“Relinquish?” he breathed in shock. All his earlier smug confidence had disappeared. Surely Holly couldn’t hate him so much, when all he’d been trying to do last Christmas was protect her from her own weakness? There was no reason for her to toss him out like this, without even letting him see the baby. Unless—
A thought hit him like hard kick in the gut from a steel-toed boot.
“Is there another man?” he said slowly.
An odd smile lifted the corner of her lovely lips. “What difference would it make to you?”
“None,” he lied coldly.
But against his will, he was enraged at the thought.
He’d spent the year as celibate as monk, exhausted after too many hours at the hospital alone, getting medical treatment that sucked away his life and energy. Why had he imagined, just because he’d taken her virginity, that a beautiful young woman like Holly would have spent the last year celibate as well?
For the last year, he’d tried not to think about her, or how out of control she’d made him feel last year. He’d told himself that he’d done the noble thing, the hard thing, setting her free. Since he’d gone into complete remission last month, he’d tried to forget that their night together had been the single greatest sensual experience of his life.
Because Holly made him lose control. She made him weak. He’d couldn’t risk seeing her again.
Until he’d gotten the call from Oliver yesterday. Then he’d had no choice.
Because whatever Holly might think of him, Stavros would never abandon his child. Even if he wasn’t sure he was ready to be a father, he would provide for him.
His lawyers had warned him if the baby rumor was true, he should immediately ask for a paternity test, and insist that Holly sign papers to recuse herself and her child from any other claim on his billions before he paid her a dime.
His lawyers had never told Stavros what to do if Holly scorned him, his money, and the horse he rode in on.
“You...don’t even want my son to know me?” he asked.
She gave a single short shake of her head.
“So why tell me about the baby at all?” he said harshly. “Just to punish me?”
“I never intended for you to know. I swore my sister to secrecy.”
Holly hadn’t intended for him to know about his son? Ever? Shock left him scrambling. “But my son needs a father!”