Page 44 of Claiming The Virgin's Baby
His shaft was rock hard, jutting from his body, enormous in length and width. She heard his quiet groan and hesitated. Then, with determination, she allowed her fingertips to caress the entire length, from the root to the bulbous tip, glistening with a single pearlescent drop. Curious, she wrapped her small hand around him, then stroked up, then down.
With a choked exclamation, he stopped her.
“What is it?” she said, pulling back her hand, looking up at him. “Do I not please you?”
“You please me too much.” His deep voice was hoarse. “My bride. I want to make this last. I want to make your first time amazing. I want this to be...” He ran his hand through her dark hair. “The night we remember, as if it were the night we conceived our son...”
Lowering his body next to hers on the mattress, he kissed her slowly. His lips were hot velvet, as his tongue entwined with hers. She sighed as her lips parted in surrender.
His hand trailed lightly down her body as he brushed her shoulder, then cupped her breast. His hand stroked across her belly, then her hips. Pushing her thighs apart, he deliberately reached between her legs. She gasped as he stroked her wet satin core with a fingertip, sliding against her, swirling.
Breaking their kiss, he moved abruptly downward. Kneeling between her legs on the bed, he lowered his head to where she could not see, beyond her pregnant belly. She felt his warm breath against her tender inner thighs.
Pushing her legs apart, he lowered his head. And he tasted her.
Pleasure exploded inside her. It was so intense, it made her hips shudder beneath him. He held her, swirling her with his tongue. Tremors exploded up and down her body. Her back curved off the bed as she held her breath, her eyes closed, her lips parted in a silent gasp.
His tongue was rough, lapping her with its full width, then softly, twirling her, feather soft with only the tip. Her whole body felt tight, arching off the bed once more as she exploded with a scream of ecstasy.
That cry was still ringing in her ears as he moved. Positioning his hips between her thighs, he pushed himself inside her in a single thrust. She gasped, feeling him suddenly so deep inside her. Shockingly, new pleasure built, twisting around her, soaring her even higher, swirling around until she felt dizzy, whirled by a storm of intense pleasure. The hurricane buffeted her up, down, spinning her in circles, leaving her light-headed. He pushed inside her again, his whole hard length, moving slowly, so she felt every inch of him. As he filled her completely, she flew higher, and higher as he rode her, until her breaths came in soft desperate pants. She lost all awareness of identity, of time.
There was only pleasure. There was only this.
There was only him.
ALEX HAD NEVER felt like this before. He’d never known pleasure like this even existed.
He’d nearly exploded three times already. When he first took off her wedding dress. When he first touched her naked body. When he’d first felt her touch him, wrapping her hand around the length of his shaft.
But none of that had prepared him for this.
Pushing so deep inside her, he felt an intensity he’d never imagined. Though she was a virgin, there were no physical barriers, just the waves of pleasure he felt as he thrust deep into her tight, wet sheath.
He felt as if he, too, were a virgin.
But this was caused by more than just his long period of celibacy. Far more. It was as if he’d never even experienced sex before. Why? Was it because she was pregnant with his baby? Just seeing her swollen breasts and belly, and knowing she was ripening with his child? Was that what was causing such an overwhelming reaction inside him, body and soul?
No. It was more than even that.
It was her.
From the moment he’d first seen her, standing uncertainly in the salon of his palazzo last month, he’d hungered for Rosalie. For her beauty, her warmth, her light.
And now she was his. Truly and forever. She would be his until the end of time.
Just that thought caused a rush through his body. Holding himself up from her belly, with his hands pushed against the bed, he thrust inside her a second time, even deeper, and groaned. Pleasure swirled around him in crashing waves, making him struggle for breath. He pushed inside her again, and again, knowing he was on the razor-thin margin of control, barely keeping himself from exploding.
Then he heard his wife cry out with new ecstasy, felt her tighten around him as her fingernails pressed into his skin. He held himself still, his eyes squeezed shut, battling to hold himself back. He wanted to last, damn it. He wanted to bring her to fulfillment not just twice, but an infinite number of times. He wanted their wedding night to last in this moment of pure joy...
But even as he had the thought, he knew he could not endure for much longer. Her hips undulated beneath him. He was so close—
Abruptly, he rolled off her, onto the bed. Her eyes opened, but before she could ask the question he saw forming in her mind, he lifted her, carefully placing her on top of him.
For a moment, she hesitated, and he thought she might refuse to take the lead, that she might be too shy in her inexperience. Then she took a breath, and, watching his face, she lowered herself deliberately, drawing him deeply inside her.
But that was when it really fell apart.