Page 26 of Claiming The Virgin's Baby
Rosalie’s forehead creased. “You can’t be serious.”
“Because it’s messed up!” Good mood evaporated, she dropped her fork with a clatter against her empty plate. “Your cousin lives within driving distance of Venice, but you can’t be bothered with him. While my great-aunt lives in France, on the other side of the world from California, but I still make an effort, phone calls, even letters! I would do anything to stay close to her. Anything!” She shook her head at the waiter, refusing the cheese plate. “She’s all I have!”
She looked near tears. Reaching out, Alex gently put his hand over hers.
“That’s not true. Not anymore,” he said in a low voice. He looked at her belly. “We have our son.”
He felt her hand tremble as she looked up at him.
“And you?” Rosalie whispered. “Will I have you?”
A shiver went through him. He pulled his hand away.
“I never should have kissed you, Rosalie,” he said quietly. “It was a mistake.”
“Madame? Monsieur? Dessert? Coffee?”
She shook her head at the waiter, as did Alex. The waiter, looking disappointed, swiftly departed.
Looking down, Rosalie twisted the linen napkin in her hands. “I wondered why you did that. Because you can’t possibly—” her voice dropped so low, it was almost inaudible “—want me.”
“You’re wrong,” he said huskily. “I want you. As I’ve never wanted anyone.”
For a moment, their eyes locked.
Then he shook his head. “But I can never give in to it. For your sake.”
She stiffened. “For—my sake?”
“Forgive me,” he said softly. “But I do not think you could give me your body without also giving me your heart. You would want a commitment. You would want a lifetime of love.”
Alex realized he was holding his breath, waiting for her answer. Why? Because he hoped she would deny it? Because he hoped she would immediately inform him that he was being insufferably arrogant and she could easily, easily, enjoy time with him in bed with no repercussions to the future? How wonderful it would be if—
“You’re right,” Rosalie said. She blinked fast, trying to smile. “I think I do want forever.”
It was exactly what he’d known she would say. But still, he felt unaccountably disappointed.
“I have no desire for a one-night stand,” she continued. “It would feel empty. I want...more.”
“You want love,” he agreed.
She looked up. “I want a marriage like my parents had. I know that probably sounds silly. But that’s why I’ve waited.”
“What do you mean—waited?” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “It’s not like you’re some untouched virgin...”
She looked studiously at the white linen tablecloth. “Yes.”
He frowned, confused. “Yes what?”
“I’m—” Blushing, she ducked her head as she whispered, “What you said. I’ve never...” She looked away, her eyes affixed on a random chalet on the other side of the mountain valley.
The world dropped from under his feet.
“You cannot mean,” he croaked, “you’ve never had sex?”
Glancing sharply to the right and left, as if she feared one of the long-married couples nearby might have heard his words, she shook her head.