Page 92 of Play Along
“You haven’t been in a relationship since?”
The waiter walks over with a huge entrée platter of grilled seafood and Stace quickly reshuffles the table so it can fit.
“Oh, wow.” I smile.
“Thank you.” He nods as the waiter leaves.
“And you? You have had five boyfriends?” he asks.
My mouth drops open and I slap his hand on the table. “What? How do you know that?” I pick up the huge spoon and start to dish out my prawns. “Oh, this looks so good.”
He laughs. “Yes, the ship food leaves a lot to be desired, and I told you I checked you out.”
“Dick Tracey, now?” I smirk as I hand the platter to him.
His face falls serious. “Are you going to contact your boyfriend?”
I screw up my face. “Hell, no. He’s a twat.”
“Did you love him?”
I drop my head and he picks up my hand over the table. I shrug sadly. “I kind of thought I did.”
“Just thought?” he repeats.
“He was my first serious boyfriend.”
“The others?”
“They were nothing really. Just kid stuff.”
He waits for my answer.
“We had fun, but it wasn’t until I met…” I stop myself. Fuck. I load my mouth full of food to shut myself up.
“Until you met who?”
I shake my head and drink my champagne and then refill my glass. Oh God, stop talking you big mouthed jabber jaws.
“Until you met who?” His eyes tell me that he already knows what I was going to say.
I frown. How do I put this? “Let’s just say that you have taught me that there is more to a relationship than someone making you feel safe.”
He frowns as he takes his first mouthful of seafood. “Is that what he did? Made you feel safe.”
I nod.
“Is that what you need from a man?”
I shake my head. “No…” My voice trails off.
“What have I taught you?”
I laugh. “Why are you so serious? Can we change the subject, please?”
He shakes his head, picks up my hand, and cups it around his face. “Tell me. Please.”