Page 72 of Play Along
I stink. I’m wet with perspiration. I grab my cat statue and walk into the bathroom and close the door, locking it behind me. I turn on the shower and look around. I need to break the statue open. I will do it later.
When am I going to get the chance when I know Stace is occupied?
Just do it now. I open the bathroom door and peer out to make sure he hasn’t come home and I close it again, lift the statue above my head and throw it on the floor. It bounces.
I lift it again and throw it and it bounces again.
Fuck it.
I lift it again and really throw it down hard and it smashes across the floor.
I stare at the broken pottery for a moment in shock.
My eyes widen. Holy shit… I was right.
Diamonds that are bigger than my thumbnail. Light golden and misty pink. Some are brilliant white. Oh my God, these must be worth a bomb.
I can hardly breathe.
I walk into the bedroom and grab a sock from Staces underwear drawer and then back into the bathroom and relock the door. I sit on the floor and sift through the broken pottery and pick up the diamonds, putting them into the sock one at a time.
Forty-two diamonds in total.
Whose are these?
I carefully tie the sock off at the end and pick up the broken pottery and put it into a plastic bag. I’m going to have to throw this overboard as soon as I get a chance.
I get into the shower and let the cool water run over me as it sinks in.
Holy shit.
I did it.
* * *
Sometimes life surprises me, but not nearly as much as I surprise myself.
How stupid can a girl get?
Why on Earth did I honestly think that there was something between this criminal and me?
I eat the last of my potatoes and veg as I watch him with her. We are at dinner, it’s 8pm, and Stace arrived late after working all day. I would have assumed that he would have gotten his dinner and then taken a seat next to me as he has done every other time.
Guess not.
Tonight he got his dinner and then went and sat next to Chelsea, while I sit alone. He hasn’t even acknowledged me and I am sick of his mind games.
Fuck him.
This is the final nail in his sleaze bag coffin.
Who in the fuck does he think he is?