Page 65 of Play Along
He laughs. “Speak tomorrow.”
“Bye.” I hang up.
And silence falls in the office again. Soon, Roshelle Myers, I will know who you really are.
I put my hands behind my head and inhale deeply as I lean back on my chair.
It’s going to be a long twenty-four hours.
* * *
I walk along the deck of the ship in between the containers as the light fades. Dusk is the quietest time of the day here as everyone goes back to their cabins to prepare for dinner. Stace is still working and something is going on with him. He’s different to the first night we slept together. Something changed yesterday morning when he went to get me breakfast. Did he see me hit Stucco?
Fuck. Why did I do that? I nearly blew my cover.
I’m going to have to take Stucco out before he kills Stace or the plan is out the window.
I don’t need this shit.
I smile softly to myself as I get an image of Stace—beautiful, sexy Stace. The only regret I have is that we didn’t meet under different circumstances like he said. If he wasn’t a murderer connected with this ship.
We are so good together. We could have had something. Damn it.
Right now, though, I need to focus on my task. I continue to walk slowly through the deserted deck. The sun is just dipping below the water line and light is fading fast. I look up at the numbers on the top of the containers as I walk between them all. Where is it?
I keep walking and walking. I thought I saw it over here the other day. I stop on the spot and look back from where I came, and then forward. It’s like a puzzle memory game. Everything looks the same. I thought it was over here near this red one and I go back over toward that direction. There it is.
My eyes glance around to see if anyone has spotted me, but I don’t think they have. I quickly dart across the alleyway in the shadows and pick up the padlock and inspect it. It’s just a normal key.
I narrow my eyes as I think. I need to get into the control center to find that key cupboard. But how will I do that?
Stace is in there now.
I can pretend to go visit him? Yes, why not?
Within five minutes I am at the bottom of the stairs of the control center and knocking on the door. No answer. I knock again as I look up at the windows above. Hmm, maybe he has gone for the night? I wait for a few more minutes. Bloody hell, this was the perfect opportunity to get in there while nobody else was around.
I knock one last time.
“What are you doing?” a stern voice from behind me commands my attention.
I jump in fright and turn to see Jack, Angela’s man, standing behind me.
“Oh, hi.” I smile. “I was looking for Mac. Do you know if he’s in here?”
He opens the door with his key. “Yeah, I think so. Come in.”
Great. “Okay, thank you.” I follow him up the stairs and we get to the top level to a large computer room with machines, computers, and workstations everywhere. My eyes find him across the room as he sits at his desk, and when he looks at me I feel myself melt a little. It’s been a long day without him.
Stop it.
Wearing a high visibility work shirt and navy blue cargo pants, his sandy blonde hair hangs over his forehead. Those chocolate eyes and square jaw melt me. How is any woman on Earth supposed to block this out? Even in work clothes and steel capped boots, he looks orgasmic.