Page 5 of Play Along
“Just get her out and let her go,” someone says.
“I will be having some fun first,” another answers.
I can’t understand what is said next but they all laugh out loud and I grip the tire iron in my hand.
I pull my legs back, and as the trunk is opened I kick out with all my might and connect my feet with a man’s face, knocking him to the ground. I jump out of the trunk and one man comes at me. I swing the tire iron as violently as I can and hit him hard in the head, watching as he falls away. The other men all laugh at their two friends on the ground. Another man comes at me and I swing the car jack as hard as I can and cut his face open.
Then I run.
As fast as I can, I run across the cement. It’s dark and we are in a parking lot that seems to be near the ocean. I can smell the sea and hear the seagulls. I run with two men chasing after me. I have no defense in these damn high-heeled shoes. They catch up with me easily and tackle me to the ground.
“Get off me,” I scream as I fight and kick. One man hits me across the face and they struggle to contain me as I wrestle to get out of their grip. They are too strong.
They drag me up from the ground, one on each arm, as I kick my legs out and wrestle to try and get away. They fight with me through the darkness, guiding me back to the car.
One man has his t-shirt off and is holding it up against his face to try and stop the bleeding from my car jack attack and the other two men watch.
One man is leaning on the car watching me intently.
I glare at him and he smirks back.
“Let me go!” I yell as I try to break the gorilla grip the two men have on me. I bend down and they struggle. I kick out again and connect with the man on my left, hitting his balls and he cries out and doubles over. The distraction lets me rip from the other man’s grip and I punch him hard in the face. The man who I hit with the tire jack comes to their aid and helps them hold me down.
“You’re coming with us, bitch.”
“She’s going to be fun to break in.” The man on my left laughs.
“Fuck you!” I scream as I kick him in the balls again.
He doubles over in pain and the man leaning against the car laughs out loud.
My eyes glance over to him. He’s tall, scary looking, and the other men all seem to be looking to him for guidance. He’s calm and controlled, not like them. He’s clearly the alpha of the group.
Their leader.
He smirks as he watches me and lights a cigarette as if thinking and shakes his head.
“I don’t have time for this shit.” He sighs.
I kick out and connect with the other man’s shin, he cries out. “I’m going to fucking bash you in a minute, bitch.” He growls. “What are we fucking doing with her?” he yells at the man leaning on the car. “She’s out of fucking control.”
The tall man takes a drag of his cigarette, his eyes dropping to my feet before rising back up. He smirks darkly. “Bring her.”
I shake my head and start to fight. “Like fuck you will,” I scream as I kick out.
His eyes hold mine, and he smiles darkly and takes another drag of his cigarette. He licks his lips as his eyes drop to my breasts.
Fear runs through me. I start to go animalistic and fight like hell.
“Get the cloth,” he says to the two the other man standing next to him. The guy disappears to the car and shuffles around as I fight and kick the two men on either side of me. He reappears with a black cloth and holds it over my face as I struggle with the two men who are holding me down.
“No.” I scream as I try to move my head out of their reach. I can’t get away from the black cloth that smells like chemicals.
I struggle.
I fight.