Page 37 of Play Along
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1208HPick up after deliveryTea
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1190IPick up 14thStatue
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1211H Pick up 11thNA
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1130CCNon disclosedBook
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1140 DMDPick up after deliveryStatue
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Hmm, what do these mean?
Okay, so container 1267 has something in coffee. CC…what is CC? I bite my thumbnail for a moment as I contemplate this. I take out my pen and paper and start to copy down the note.
What the hell is CC?
Where is Google when I desperately need it?
Container 1208 has something in tea and the pick up is after delivery. After delivery? Does that mean after we get to Puerto Rico? And what is H?
H… H… H is for…?
My eyes widen. Holy fuck. H is heroin. I think for a moment. Shit, CC must be cocaine.
I put both of my hands over my mouth in shock. Cocaine is hidden in the coffee and heroine is hidden in the tea.
Crap. This is some serious shit. My heart rate picks up and my eyes flicker around nervously. What if I get caught copying this down?
Why does he even have it? What if he gets caught copying this down? Who did he copy this from?
Shit, I continue down the list.
1140 DMDPick up after deliveryStatue
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1140. DMD. What is that? What is DMD? God, I really do need to find out what all of this shit means. Whatever it is, it’s in a statue. I wonder how big of a statue?
I tap my foot as I think. Okay, the first thing I need to do is find the container and try to get into it. Which container do I want? I go back through the list with my pen. It needs to be small enough for me to…
I have to ask him how I’m getting off this ship. Maybe I will be searched?