Page 107 of Play Along
What if he didn’t even get on the boat… ship, or whatever the fuck it is.
What if he went back for me and I put myself on here?
My hands run through my hair in a panic.
Oh God, what the hell have I done?
For over an hour I pace back and forth with my heart beating hard.
He’s not on the ship.
I know he’s not on the ship. He would have come back to change for dinner for sure.
I start to feel sick about my decision. Nobody knows I am on here and he couldn’t find me in Bogota even if he was trying. If they know I am on here alone, it’s going to be open slaughter. But then… maybe not now that they know me. I know Angela and her boys would protect me.
Calm down, calm down. I walk into the bathroom and stare at the girl staring back at me. “What the hell have you fucking done?” I ask my reflection.
“I don’t know,” I answer.
“You idiot,” I mouth.
More importantly, what am I going to do now?
The key sounds in the door and I put my hands over my heart in relief.
He’s here. Thank God, he’s here.
I hear the keys put down on the drawers and I step into the room, his back is to me.
He turns and his face drops. “Rosh?”
I smile hopefully. “It seems I missed the nautical life.”
His face falls. “What the fuck are you doing here?” He snarls.
“What?” I whisper, shocked by his venom.
“You can’t be on here! I docked the boat to get you to safety and you fucking came back?” He’s angry, furious, in fact.
“I missed you, too,” I whisper through my hurt.
He shakes his head. “This ship is about to become a fucking nightmare and I can’t protect you. I got you off this boat for that reason.” He growls.
“I came to protect you,” I whisper.
“What?” he screams. “I don’t need fucking protecting.”
“Y-yes, you do,” I stammer, trying to calm him down. “I forgot to tell you that I overheard Stucco planning with someone else to murder you.”
“What?” His face screws up as if not believing my story.
“It was the night that you went to Chelsea and I was so upset.”
“I didn’t go to fucking Chelsea,” he snaps. “Stop going on about Chelsea. You are pissing me off with it.”
“They are going to call a maintenance call in the middle of the night and push you overboard.”