Page 123 of Bad Cruz
She hadn’t called me after our last hookup, and even though I pretended I didn’t give a shit and called her the next day, this whole one-sided relationship was starting to get on my last nerve.
“Tell your mom to come outside.”
“You seein’ her?” A lopsided, dimpled smile that reminded me too damn much of Rob stretched across his face. I liked this kid a lot, but also had to come to terms with the fact he would always be connected to the man who was now my enemy.
I’m seeing her. Not so sure she’s seeing me.
“Ask her.”
“Mom has never had a boyfriend. Doubt she’d admit to having one now.”
“Well, tell her that her whatever I am to her, is waiting outside and wants a word.”
Bear slid out of my car and jogged to the front porch, kicking the skateboard away as he unlocked the screen door. A few moments later, Tennessee waltzed out said door, wearing a pair of snug jeans and a ruffled white tank top.
She looked somber, and again, that sinking feeling, that I was doing this all by myself, even though I had my own can of worms to deal with, crashed into me.
She sauntered toward my car, parking her elbows against my window, her tits almost in my face.
“What’s up?” She kissed my cheek.
See? Everything’s fine. You’re just being paranoid. You’re so used to women fawning over you, you cannot accept that your girlfriend doesn’t want to elope right this minute.
“You tell me. We haven’t spoken all day.”
I officially sounded like all the women I’d ever let down in my life. I had to admit, being on the other side of that equation felt pretty shitty.
“I didn’t want to interrupt you and Bear.”
“Then why aren’t you inviting me in right now?” I challenged.
She looked left and right, her face falling as she dropped her voice.
“Gabriella’s been telling everyone we’re sleeping together. Remember I told you she stopped by your house when you were away delivering the Duggar baby?”
How could I forget?
Tennessee’d almost had a nervous breakdown.
I knew I needed to sit Gabriella down and explain to her, for the millionth time, that we were over. But I didn’t trust her not to try to pull some next-level, Days of Our Lives, Roman-is-not-dead-nor-is-he-Roman bull crap.
Secret pregnancy, emotional blackmail, exorcism—Gabriella wasn’t above any of those tricks to make us happen, and I wanted to give my relationship with Tennessee a few more days to stabilize.
“I remember,” I ground my teeth.
“Well, I guess that’s her payback. Everyone knows we’re sleeping together now.”
“Great.” I shrugged. “Now we don’t have to keep it a secret.”
“Trinity wants me to call it off.”
“She’ll come around.”
And if she didn’t, well, too bad for Trinity, then. Tennessee was a terrific sister. Her life revolved around making Trinity happy.
“Now, can I come in and have dinner with my girlfriend?”
“I…well, I’m…”