Page 9 of Good Girl: Older Man Younger Woman Romance
“You’re sweet,” Sonia said. I glanced over and saw her smile as her creamy skin began to turn a pretty shade of light pink.
“Sweet, princess, isn’t a word that anyone would use to describe me.” I opened the car door and gestured for her to get in. She did without any protest. “I like it when you’re a good girl. I’ll have to remember to reward you later.”
“You know I can do that, right?” she asked as I buckled her in.
I couldn’t help smirking, kissing the top of her head, “I know, but if you’re gonna be with me, you’re gonna have to accept the fact that I take very good care of things that are precious to me. Since you are the most precious thing in my life, I’ll be taking extra care with you.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you to eat. You must be starving.”
“I could eat, but…” She glanced down at her disheveled shirt. “I’d also like to get a pair of panties since you’ve stolen mine.”
I patted my pants pocket and smirked at her. “You’re never getting those back. I’ll take you to your place so you can freshen up.”
“That would be lovely. Thank you.”
“Lift up your skirt and spread your legs.”
Sonia turned and glanced at me, her pretty eyes wide, but she did what I asked. I wanted to puff out my chest. Even though she was unsure about my request, she did it. That showed that she trusted me, and that was something I’d never take for granted.
“Isn’t this a little dangerous?”
I shrugged as I started the ignition and pulled out of the university parking lot. “The windows are tinted. No one can see inside.”
“I wasn’t really referring to people seeing me.”
“That’s my only concern. No one gets to see my wet cunt but me.” I slid my hand up her thighs, moving her skirt farther up her legs, and let it rest right beside her pussy lips. “I like feeling the heat of your hot cunt.” I slapped her left thigh. “Spread 'em.”
Sonia did as she was told, a sly smile across her lips. “You’re very bossy.”
“You don’t even know half of it, sweetheart.”
“You ever gonna tell me the half I don’t know?”
I slid my hand onto her folds, my cock stirring as I touched the wetness between her legs. “As long as you’re a good girl, you’ll never have to find out.”
Sonia’s pants were like a sonata as my thumb circled over her hard clit. She mover her hands and began caressing her tits. “What if I’m a bad girl?” she asked.
Now the little minx was testing me. I pinched her clit. She yelped and moaned.
“You’d have to be punished, but something tells me that my pretty little slut would get off on it.” I removed my hand and licked my fingers. “You gush the second I touch your pussy. It’s so hot. You also taste so fuckin’ good.”
“You’re hard.”
“I’m always hard around you.” I adjusted my cock that was straining against my zipper. I didn’t think I’d ever been this hard in my entire life. “It’s fuckin’ annoying, especially when I have to teach a class full of over a hundred people. When I touch your juicy pussy, I feel like I might explode if I don’t get off.”
“I can help you out,” Sonia said, winking before her fingers undid my belt, followed by my zipper.
I grabbed her wrist, moving her hand back to her lap.“Sweetheart, I don’t think dying is in either one of our plans, and if you put my cock in your mouth, I might lose control and crash into a tree.”
“I really don’t think it’s fair that you get to play with me while I don’t get to play with you.”
“Sweetheart, you should really mind your manners before you get yourself in serious trouble.”
Tristen’s smile told me he was being playful, but the gravel in his voice told me to take his words a little more seriously than I was. “What kind of trouble?”
“The kind of trouble that would find your ass a pretty shade of red.”
Spanking? Tristen wanted to spank me? I pushed my legs together, trying to keep myself under control. The idea of being bent over Tristen’s lap while he went to town on my ass was a bigger turn-on than it should’ve been. “You wanna spank me?”
I lurched in my seat belt as the car jerked to a complete stop at the side of the road. Tristen gripped the steering wheel, his eyes staring straight ahead, and silence filled the car. I was so worried I’d said or done something wrong. That I managed to ruin everything.
“I’m sorry I asked. Did I upset you? Tristen, let's forget I said anything.”
“No. I don’t have a spanking fetish.” Tristen spoke slowly, each word said clearly, enunciating every word as if speaking to a child, wanting to make sure he was perfectly understood. “I just have a spanking fetish when it comes to you.”