Page 6 of Mommy's Landlord (Boyfriend Diaries 3)
Kenneth steeples his hands and tries to look thoughtful.
“Ah yes. I remember now. Unit 201 did you say? The woman who lives there was a little out of it, if I remember.”
I cringe a little.
“My mom can be a space case,” I acknowledge in a tight voice. “But I swear to you, Dinah is a good person and she forgot, that’s all. I have my checkbook with me right now, and I’m happy to make a check out for all the missed rent payments at this very moment, if you’ll just let her stay.”
I don’t add that this check is going to deplete my savings account down to zero, but I doubt Kenneth cares. He seems more into fancy offices and making his influence known.
As I expected, Kenneth puts on a fake sad face and the corners of his mouth turn down dramatically, as if he’s an actor in a sitcom.
“Well, you know that you owe that money regardless, don’t you, Katie? Your mom owes it, at least. No matter what happens, we’re going to get paid the back rent, so what else do you have to offer?”
I color.
“I know that Dinah owes you back rent no matter what, but I was hoping that the fact that we were high school classmates would help a little. Can’t you give us a pass? I swear, I will personally make sure that Dinah makes every rent payment on time going forward, even if I have to walk her to the bank myself each month.”
I hate that my voice has a begging quality to it, but I’m in a desperate situation here. Unfortunately, Kenneth shakes his head regretfully, still frowning his fake frown.
“No, I’m sorry Katie. We can’t give your mom a pass because we just don’t operate like that. Carlton Realty is a business of the twenty-first century, and it’s not about “your word is your bond” or any of those antiquated ideas. We’re automated and everything is done according to very strict internal procedures.”
I bite my tongue. It seems pointless to mention that Kenneth came by my mom’s place in person to deliver the eviction notice just like in years of old. That doesn’t seem very automated, but he continues, oblivious to my trail of thought.
“Besides, high school was so long ago, don’t you think? Ten years, is it? I can see that you haven’t changed at all, Katie,” he leers again. “I’m real happy to see you here today.”
I swallow my revulsion and force a smile onto my face while sitting forward.
“Listen, Ken, what do I have to do? I know that you probably have a lot of sway at Carlton Realty, and there must be something you can do. So what do I have to do? Just tell me and I’ll do it.”
At that, my old high school classmates breaks out into a sweat so that his face looks shiny and puffy in the harsh light. He practically rubs his meaty hands together in glee.
“Why don’t you come by my place tonight, and we can discuss further?” he asks in a sibilant voice. “I’m sure we can figure something out.”
My heart pounds as alarm bells ring out in my head.
“And what will we discuss exactly?” I ask in a somewhat normal voice. “I’m sure we can discuss it here, if you like.”
But Kenneth just shrugs.
“I don’t know. A little of this, a little of that. Like I said, it’s good to see you again, Katie. Maybe I just want a chance to catch up,” he says while staring overtly at my cleavage. I have to force myself not to put my hand at the vee of my blouse to shield myself. Instead, I smile again.
“Okay, sure,” I say in a stilted voice. “What time?”
He leans back in his chair, like he’s the king of the world.
“Let’s say eight tonight. That should be enough time to discuss the issue at hand,” he giggles.
“Fine,” I say in a short voice. “I’ll be there.”
“Ok, good,” he says as I get up and turn to leave. “And by the way Katie, wear something sexy okay? I especially like cocktail dresses with tiny bits of lingerie underneath. Oh, and high heels too. And fishnets, if you have them. You might want to think about getting a pair, if you don’t already have a pair,” he hints.
I swallow the vomit that’s coming up my throat, and merely nod before letting myself out of his office. Oh my god, did that really happen? Did disgusting Kenneth Carlton from high school just proposition me?
But yes, it’s true. I square my shoulders and prepare myself to walk out of this horrid office. I can’t believe this is happening. Kenneth Carlton is going to want something gross from me in order for letting my mom stay in her apartment.
But as I turn to walk down the hall once more, a tingle runs down my spine and I can feel hot eyes on me. Unbidden, my head turns and I catch the gaze of the man in the other glass office across the way.