Page 12 of Mommy's Landlord (Boyfriend Diaries 3)
“Re-sort those books,” Marjorie would command, looking down her nose at me while pointing with an imperious finger. “Then put them all back on the shelves.”
“But people might still be reading them,” I say. “It’s not closing time yet, and maybe the people reading them left the books open on the table for easy access.”
Marjorie shook her ginger curls and shot me a look of disgust.
“No, definitely not, Katie. No one’s been at that table for three hours, so just do as I say, okay? Trust me, my word is the law around here, and it’s not worth it to fight.”
My mouth snapped shut. Of course it wasn’t worth it to fight. This was a job that paid eight fifty an hour, so I wasn’t going to bust my chops arguing over something as simple as shelving a few books. Still, I hated Marjorie and didn’t respect her judgment, nor her leadership skills. Yet Mr. Carlton, within the space of fifteen minutes, has already inspired a sense of awe and respect that I didn’t feel for my old boss at all.
Not to mention that he’s insanely good-looking. The man’s inky hair is brushed back off his face, showing off his proud forehead and Roman nose. His cheekbones are high and his mouth strong, although the lips are sensuously sculpted at the same time. How is that possible? How can a man have both a sensuous yet firm mouth simultaneously?
I wonder what it would be like to have a man like this kiss me. I bet he’d know exactly what he was doing, unlike the losers I’ve kissed in the past. Those boys left trails of slobber on my cheeks, and often I had to brush my teeth after their ministrations. It was just too gross. Sometimes, I even gargled with Listerine afterwards, in case there were any disgusting bugs going around.
As if reading my thoughts, Mr. Carlton smiles at me again with a knowing glint in those blue eyes. But I can see something churning behind that polished exterior, and it speaks of … well, I’m not sure what. I guess I’ll have to find out, and my heart beats with anticipation.
Holy shit, can I do it? I’m not sure, to tell the truth. After all, Katie’s obviously a very innocent girl. She must be about the same age as Kenneth, which makes her twenty-eight or so, but still. This is no hardened, middle-aged woman with brassy hair and a red-lipsticked smile. This is a young, pliable girl with spun gold for hair and a demure yet sassy way about her, which has me utterly hooked.
After all, I like them sweet. Or maybe I should be more specific. I like Daddy Dom / little girl play, which requires a woman who’s innocent, but also open-minded and mature. I know what you’re thinking: why would the DD / lg lifestyle require a woman who’s mature? In this lifestyle, an older daddy takes care of a little girl. So wouldn’t the woman in the relationship fit the role better if she were immature and juvenile?
But that’s where critics get it wrong because DD / lg play requires high levels of communication and understanding from its participants, but especially from the woman. It’s a power exchange of sorts, and it requires trust between the parties. As a result, the woman needs to have the mental maturity and strength to know that even while she’s modeling the behavior of a little girl, that she is not in fact a little girl. She’s a grown woman who’s enjoying some light roleplay in order to titillate her male partner of choice.
That’s where I come in. I’m not a hardcore Daddy Dom who likes his girls to wear diapers and suckle pacifiers. Instead, I’m the kind of Daddy Dom who enjoys light play, such as flirty baby doll dresses, pigtails, and maybe some treats along the way. I don’t need my girls to be an infant, and I’m not looking to infantilize anyone either. I just crave innocent, cute, and playful little girls, who also happen to be insanely filthy in bed.
What can I say? I’m not sure how I developed this preference, but it is what it is. I like my girls innocent and lovely, and it looks like Katie could be it. After all, she’s here to negotiate on behalf of her mother, which shows incredible maturity. And yet, she has an amazing sense of timing and grace, and hasn’t been pushing the issue, although it must be on the forefront of her mind.
I decide to get the ball rolling. There must be a middle path between us, seeing that Katie wants something that I can provide. I’m happy to give it to her, so long as she understands that I want something very special in return.