Page 1 of Mommy's Ex (Boyfriend Diaries 1)
Four years ago.
“Kayla, I want you to meet my new boyfriend,” my mom sings from downstairs. “Come down, please.”
I sigh. Victoria has always had a lot of boyfriends, and I’ve gotten used to meeting them. Since she divorced my dad when I was two, it seems like she’s had a different boyfriend every year, if not two or three or more per year.
It’s easy to see why. My mom is lithe, svelte and very blonde with a curvy figure. She attracts men like bees to honey and likes to switch it up every now and then, both when it comes to hair color and men.
So I schlump down the stairs. There’s no need to comb my hair or to put on a nice outfit. My jeans and a t-shirt are perfectly fine, thank you very much. Heck, this guy will probably be gone within a few months, so our interaction will likely be restricted to hello, nice to meet you, goodbye.
As I go down the stairs, I cringe a bit. Our house is falling down around our ears, and yet there’s no money for repairs. We live in a little condo on the outskirts of Vegas, where my mom works as a cocktail waitress on the Strip. Yes, she’s that kind of cocktail waitress. The kind who wears obscenely short skirts with cleavage down to there, bringing drinks to men with the hope of making big tips. But Victoria doesn’t mind it because she likes the attention and enjoys prancing around in sky high heels with fishnet stockings. Sometimes I think even if she made zero tips, she would still be doing this job.
The problem is that the money isn’t quite enough because Victoria doesn’t work at the Bellagio or one of fancy casinos. Instead, she works at the Silver Showdown, where they have fifteen dollar all-you-can-eat buffets and a clown who dances during breaks. As a result, the tips are small and our condo shows it. The stairwell is rickety and dark, and the kitchen has a dull yellow tile floor, along with a chandelier that looks like a wooden wheel that I think my mom got from the Silver Showdown. Unfortunately, it’s falling apart and hanging crazily to one side. The walls are a faded white, and paint’s peeling in some of the corners.
But my mom isn’t embarrassed by the sad state of our home. In fact, she’s waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a bright smile on her face.
“There you are, Kayla,” she scolds. “What took you so long? Were you reading a book again? You know what books do – you’ll ruin your eyesight reading that fine print, and then you’ll have to get glasses.”
I roll my eyes.
“It’s fine Mom. I was reading on my Kindle, and I make the font really big so that I don’t have eyestrain. Plus, you can change the contrast on the Kindle, so my eyes don’t have to work so hard.”
“Well,” clucks my mom. “I’m just saying that you should be careful because you can’t work as a Vegas showgirl if you have glasses,” she chirps merrily.
I stare at her. There is nothing less appealing to me than a career as a Vegas showgirl. Why would I want to get paid minimum wage to go up and dance in a chorus line with a bunch of other catty women? That sounds horrendous to me. Not to mention that I’m five foot three and curvy, which makes me the absolutely wrong shape for a professional showgirl.
But everyone dreams their own dreams, and Victoria has always aspired to move up the rungs from waitress to showgirl. I don’t want to tell her that she’s probably too old to try out now, but there’s no sense in popping her bubble. Everyone deserves to cherish their own fantasies.
But no matter. I’m here to shake hands with Victoria’s newest boyfriend before disappearing once more upstairs to read my latest romance novel. I’ve been perusing the latest Jamie Eden about a gorgeous cowboy on the range who seduces a visiting city girl. Western romances are the best because the heroines tend to be sassy and feisty, which I like. Not to mention I absolutely adore shirtless cowboys gleaming with sweat in the sun. Tyler McCarron is the ultimate alpha male with his leather chaps and worn-out boots, let me tell you.
But I’m here to meet my mom’s latest boyfriend, so I force out all thoughts of handsome cowboys, and instead, slap a smile on my face. Grimacing like a corpse, I step into the foyer.
“Honey, stand up straight won’t you? Kayla, let me introduce you to George,” titters my mom. “George, Kayla.”
Time literally seems to stop in its tracks because my mom’s newest flame is gorgeous. I wasn’t expecting this in the least. Usually, Victoria’s boyfriends are somewhat scumbaggy, with lank hair, droopy mustaches, and tobacco-stained hands. Nothing like the man before me now.