Page 38 of Broken Silence
Abby: Pool and sleepover????
Adam: Charlie, you're the deciding vote ;)
Charlie: I’m ok, let me think on the plans for a second, my brain isn’t online yet.
Trent: She’s awake!
Pulling myself out of bed, I decide to go talk to Sophia and see if she's okay with me making plans. She might want me to stay home with all that's going on, and I don’t know that I’d be opposed today.
After checking each room, I start to worry, each one empty and quiet. Relief filters through me in a rush when I find her on the patio drinking coffee. Grabbing a bottle of water for my sore throat, I decide to join her.
“Hey sweetie, how are you holding up?” The look of concern is intense. She must be really worried still, and I’m sure my nightmares are only making it worse.
I give a shrug and an apologetic look.
“Don’t be sorry. We will get through this. Your nightmares will get better, in fact they were so much better. I hope with the new leads they can catch these men and you won’t have to be so scared all of the time. Just let me know what you need.”
‘I need a distraction, I think,’ I type out as I take a seat, showing her my phone.
She reads it and nods. “I’m glad it’s fall break, so you and your friends can relax and get you back where you need to be. I’ll try and come up with something to keep us all occupied. I actually decided to take a step away from my caseload for the week. I have people who work under me for a reason,” she says, giving me a wink.
My answering smile is huge. Here I am, afraid again that she'll give up on me, and she's making plans and taking time off to make sure I get better. Tears prickle at my eyes and I rush forward and hug her. The scent of her light floral perfume has my nerves calming even more and I realize that she’s quickly becoming home to me.
I haven’t exactly told her yet, but she's been a great mother. Nobody could even begin to replace my mom, but I don’t think there's anything wrong with having two. I think my mom would approve of her. They both are so different, it’s incomparable. But that doesn’t make me love Sophia any less, in fact it makes it easier.
I'm even more surprised at my ability to openly think about my mom and not break down. I guess I’m finally facing my past and it’s thanks to all the new people in my life. The next big step will be to share it with my friends, I just don’t want them to pity me or see me any different. Something tells me I need to give them more credit than I do. But it's not going to suddenly be too much for them to handle... at least I hope not.
After we both relax and finish our drinks, enjoying the cool morning breeze, I pull my phone back out and open the group text, turning it so Sophia can read it. She appears thoughtful as she reads it over before giving me a serious look.
“Do they have sleepovers often?” she asks, though she looks like she doesn’t believe it. I pull open the notes app and explain they have them frequently and how they all grew up together. It's something that Abby told me last week. She didn’t want me to feel left out, but figured most parents wouldn’t approve so they didn’t want to rub it in. “Can you get me the numbers of their parents? And yes, if their parents agree then I’m okay with a sleepover, but you all stay in the living room,” she finishes with a stern look.
I quickly make my way back inside and grab a bowl of cereal. When I finally glance at a clock, it's almost noon. I'm shocked for a moment but then remember how late it was when I finally got to bed. Sitting at the table I text my friends back.
Me: Sophia wants your parents’ numbers. I guess she wants to double check on a sleepover. If your parents are cool with it, she said we can have it here.
Abby: YES! I’ll send her a text with our parents’ names and numbers for you.
Adam: So what should we do before?
Me: I haven’t been swimming in years. If I can find a store with a bathing suit, I vote that. Abby and Alice, want to come with? I’m sure Sophia wouldn’t mind, and I hate picking out my own clothes.
Alice: I hate shopping. I’m out.
Abby: You know I’m in.
Trent: Why aren’t we invited?
Abby: Because you guys complain that I take too long and she loves me the most.
Me: Exactly.
I grin as I wait for their answers to come in, already feeling way better.
Trent: Hey! That hurt.
Abby: Told you!
Cole: Even after I saved you, babe?