Page 27 of Broken Silence
Abby clutches one of Charlie’s hands, their fingers intertwined, and I hold the other the entire way home. Despite us being smashed together in the front seat, she seems a bit more relaxed and isn’t crying anymore. The questions just keep piling up, but I’ll have to continue being patient.
“Charlie babe, please, if there is anything we can do, even just listen, let us in when you’re ready. Okay?” I implore. Adjusting to meet her gaze, I notice she’s blushing. Whoops, guess the nickname was too much. But damn do I love when she blushes, and unlike most people, she does it often. Around us at least.
“Seriously, we all love you already and want to be here for you. Even if you don’t share, we’ve still got your back,” Abby adds, letting her know that it’s not a friendship contingent on her letting us all the way in. Charlie flushes a deeper red before turning to Abby and nodding.
I pull up in front of her house and see her tense next to me. A car I haven’t seen before is parked out front. She motions for me to keep going, so I do. We both drop off Abby together, and a tear leaks out of Abby’s eyes as she hugs Charlie tight and kisses her cheek, before pulling away and hiding her face. I’ll have to call her later to make sure she’s okay.
She’s obviously not ready to go home yet, so I drive us back around to my house, parking in front before giving her a questioning look. She isn’t panicking, she just appears defeated now.
“I have to read to my little brothers. Want to join me before I walk you home?” She immediately gives me a happy nod, relief clear on her face. I can’t blame her for not diving right back into whatever hell she’s facing.
We both climb out and I take her hand, leading her into the house. Before I have a chance to warn her, the twin tornadoes crash into us. I manage to keep her upright, and a smile breaks out on her pretty face as she looks down at the twins.
“Is this your girlfriend?”
“Can she read to us?”
“She’s pretty!”
“Someone painted her hair!” My brothers go back and forth and Charlie just grins at them, even letting out a short giggle that almost stops my heart.
“No, she isn’t my girlfriend, yet,” I say, before realizing now isn’t the time. I try to play it off and continue like nothing ever happened. “No, she won’t read to you; yes, she is pretty, and she painted her hair, it’s called hair dye,” I explain patiently. I take Charlie’s hand and guide her and the twin tornadoes upstairs.
Thomas insists that she tuck him in, and she doesn’t hesitate to help him up on his bed and cover him up. She even takes his stuffed monkey and tucks him in with it. I smile as I help Jonas get into his bed, unable to stop. My emotions are shot from today, but this is definitely helping.
After I give Jonas his hug, I look over to see Thomas insisting on a hug from Charlie. She leans in and gives him a squeeze and tickles his side. He giggles, and when she pulls away I notice her smile is back.
I’m giving these kids cookies tomorrow.
Moving over to the shelf, I pull out their favorite story about dinosaurs. I groan internally as I realize this means I have to do voices in front of her. Whatever, I doubt she’ll judge.
Not willing to disappoint, I start my storytelling like I usually do, voices and all. Charlie’s silently laughing along with them as I read. I’m so relieved to see a smile still on her face, so I put extra ridiculous enthusiasm into the story. By the time I’m done, she’s grinning broadly and clapping along with the twins.
When the story is over, I tell the twins goodnight and pull Charlie out of their room before they insist on more stories and hugs. Now that they’ve been introduced to her, they’ll start insisting on it nightly.
Knowing Charlie isn’t up for my mom, I quickly wave and call out that I’m walking her home, and she gives Charlie an exasperated smile because I’m already pulling her away. As soon as Mom opens her mouth, I hurry Charlie out before Mom can get embarrassing. I swear if you give the woman a chance, she’ll tell the worst stories she can think up. It’s way too soon for that.
I take a chance and hold Charlie’s hand the entire way. She doesn’t protest but stops halfway. When she turns to me, her eyes are apprehensive. I’m not sure what she’s trying to convey, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Finally she steps closer until her face is almost touching mine. Her eyes ask my permission, and as soon as I give her a small grin, she leans forward. Her warm lips press against mine, sending waves of heat through me. I try to keep the kiss gentle, not wanting to move too fast for her, but it’s hard. My body reacts to her like I’ve waited for her all my life, and in a way, I have.
When I kiss her back, she relaxes and her hand moves to my neck, pulling me in even closer until I can smell the gentle, sweet scent of her fruity perfume. She feels amazing against me, like her lips were made for me. As she pulls back, her cheeks heat again, lips swollen from our kiss.
Fuck, she looks gorgeous.
“You’re beautiful, Charlie,” I whisper, resting my forehead against hers for a second before she pulls away. We start walking again, and this time she clutches my hand in hers.
Stopping in front of her house, I give her a hug and tell her to text me if she needs me. When she makes it inside, I hurry off to take Abby her car back and make sure she’s doing all right. I really hope that Charlie will let us in soon, she needs someone to confide in before she explodes. Whatever this battle is, she shouldn’t go through it alone.
When I pull up to Abby’s, she’s sitting on the porch, waiting. Her cheeks are wet from the tears coursing down her cheeks, and I hate that she’s hurting. I feel even more guilty for the giddy, warm feeling I’m carrying around after that kiss.
“Talk to me, Abbs,” I prompt, joining her on the porch swing. Pushing with my legs, I rock us back and forth on it as she curls her legs up next to her and tucks herself into my side.
“I like her
, Cole. A lot. But I know you guys like her too. It feels like I finally found someone who may give me a chance, and she’s out of my league and a relationship with her is unattainable,” she explains, her voice shaking with emotion. “Tonight just made me realize how hard I’m falling.”
"I like her too, and I'm falling just as hard, but honestly? I think she needs us all." My breath stills in my chest as I brace for her response. She pulls away and stares at me, her eyes studying me as she processes what I've said, and I can't help but add more, to reassure one of my best friends. "I've seen the way she looks at you, Abbs."