Page 17 of Broken Silence
The next day at school is so much better than my first day. I realize that I have history with Alice, we just didn’t know each other the first time. Thanks to the empty seat next to her, I’m able to avoid sitting next to Callie this time, so there aren’t any issues there. By the time lunch rolls around, I’m actually feeling pretty good about this school.
“Soooo?” Abby asks as I walk up to her outside of the cafeteria. I give her a strange look, wondering what she’s so excited about, her eyebrows wiggling suggestively. I do a quick recap of my day in my head, but I’m still stumped. Not one exciting thing has happened today other than it not being a dumpster fire.
“I hear Cole met you at the library last night,” she squeals. I freeze for a moment, because now she might think I’m into him over her, which isn’t the case. “Come on, you better text me the details. Wait. Don’t tell me you two literally studied the whole time? No flirting?” She has a pained expression on her face as she waits for my answer. I nod my yes to her, and she pretends to cry. “You two are hopeless. Guess I’ll just have to keep up the flirt game.” With that she gives me a sexy smirk and grabs a tray.
We make it through the lunch line and back to the table, and I purposely lead the way to stop her from bringing it back up. I highly doubt Cole wanted to flirt. He was just being friendly and probably curious more than anything. Not to mention it’s all happening so fast.
“Hey, Charlie!” Adam greets, his serious face melting away to a smile as he sees me joining them. Alice and Trent both look up and wave. Cole lifts his head at the same time and gives his half grin.
“Hey, Charlie girl. Today better than yesterday?” He seems concerned. I give him a dramatic head nod, emphasizing how much better it was. They all appear relieved, which makes my chest tighten. It’s weird having so many people who care about something as simple as my day or being bullied. Their acceptance means more to me than I can put into words. I keep telling myself that I’m temporary and that I need to part ways before I get left behind again. People leave eventually, so why make connections? But, despite my internal warnings, I can’t bring myself to let them go just yet.
“I guess you’re yesterday’s news now,” Abby says with a shrug, taking her chair and digging into her food.
“At least we get to keep you to ourselves now,” Adam jokes as he leans back in his chair, his eyes studying me for a moment before Abby starts talking.
“So, my parents are talking summer vacation already, and guess what this year’s destination is,” she says with a weary sigh.
“Let me guess, something educational and not at all relaxing or exciting?” Trent jokes and she laughs.
“You know them so well. And yes, they're taking us to this small town in Colorado that has a mining museum. There’s not even WIFI, so be prepared to have Abby withdraws,” she grumbles and takes an aggressive bite of her pizza.
“Well, after fifth grade we know summer camp won’t work,” Alice muses, a thoughtful expression on her face. “We could try the summer school route?”
“Then I’d have to do bad in something and I’m too meticulous for that,” Abby mumbles as she takes a bite.
“Start subtly giving hints of cooler places,” Adam says with a shrug. “At least it’s only a week.”
“Oh okay, I’ll tell them Adam insists on going because mining is his favorite history topic. Study up, they’ll quiz you later,” she says sarcastically.
The conversation continues on around m
e for a while, and I’m content to listen and nod, just enjoying my food and company.
“It’s funny, Charlie, that I can pretty much tell what you are saying with your facial expressions. I guess the not being able to talk thing made you more expressive or we take for granted how much you can understand just from expressions alone,” Alice observes while she studies my face like I’m her very own science experiment. I just shake my head and grin.
“That look said, ‘wow Alice, you’re creeping me out,’” Abby teases.
“Alice, rein in the nerdiness, it’s leaking out,” Trent jokes as he dramatically scoots his seat away like she’s contagious. She rolls her eyes and blushes before she goes back to the book she was reading. But I love how blunt she is; it’s refreshing.
When it’s time to head to class, Adam doesn’t hesitate to grab my hand and escort me through the hallway. I try not to acknowledge how fantastic my hand feels in his, especially because of the feelings I’m developing for Cole and Abby. Part of me is afraid that I’m just looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places, so I refuse to let myself sink too far. But then again, Alice jokes and talks with me and I feel nothing, so it may just be that there’s something between me and the others. But either way, I’m not jumping in just yet.
Plus, Adam seems like the protective sort, and it isn’t often you see jocks caring enough to do something like that. Especially without you being their girlfriend. Adam hasn’t openly flirted with me once, at least I don’t think so. I mean… honestly why would he? I’m the weird foster kid who doesn’t talk. Though, it’s nice just having a genuine guy friend if nothing else.
Let’s be honest, it’s nice having friends again in general.
I loved Lizzy, but there’s a difference in having a real friendship and having a friend that you had to constantly take care of or reassure. Lizzy couldn’t handle my mess of a life even though I know she still cares about me. Something tells me when this group finds out, they won’t just give up on me. Alice’s observations about communicating with me were impressive. Everyone else just wants actual words or gets annoyed with my lack of interest, case in point… Callie.
The rest of the day goes by in a blur until music class. I love the escape that playing the violin gives me, so I’m actually excited to go to that class in particular. The piano is my real musical love, but I can’t bring myself to even try. It’s just too painful, and I break down every time. But the violin is the next best thing and it’ll only get better as the class progresses.
Cole waits for me outside and walks inside with me, claiming our same table. Mr. Hill enters a few minutes later with an excited look on his face. He calls attention to the front with a shrill whistle before launching into his excited explanation.
“I have decided to try something new for your midterms this year. You will work in groups to perform a song together for the entire class. Charlie and Cole will be one group, the rest of you in the second group,” Mr. Hill explains. I glance over at Cole who looks just as excited now, which is a relief. “Go ahead and split up for the last ten minutes and decide on a song to do. It can be any song in our sheet music collection. Once you decide, you can go early today. The rest of you will get your midterm assignment in a moment.” He finishes speaking and just walks out, leaving us to decide.
“Any song in mind, Charlie girl?” Cole asks. I shrug and thumb through one of the stacks of sheet music books that Mr. Hill dropped off before he left. I give Cole a questioning look to see if he has one in mind. “I have a couple suggestions. What kind of music do you like?”