Page 30 of Veiled Fae (Fractured Fae 2)
“Hello, baby," Bella coos and walks over to him. She gives Jacob a long hug before taking Dormouse and nuzzling him to her cheek.
As the room grows quiet, I notice she seems to withdraw into herself. It’s like watching a slow-motion mental breakdown. It has to be the king’s death or the trauma of it all. Ending a life is never something a good person can take lightly. And Bella is the best person I know.
“Bella, it wasn’t your fault. You saved hundreds of people. Don’t give into the emotions you are battling. He isn’t worth your sadness," I say, walking over and scooping her into my arms. The others close ranks around us, lending her all of our comfort and strength in one hug.
It’s not only us holding her together, it’s a reminder that she’s not alone and never will be again.
Chapter 11
I killed someone. Me, the girl who couldn’t let a mouse get eaten by a snake… killed someone.
I’m distracted by the sweet words Bowen and the guys are saying to me, but when the conversation ends my mind goes right back into the darkness.
“I feel so guilty. I know he tried to kill me, I can still feel what he did to me. I know he froze you guys, I know he tortured my mom, I know he was evil to the core. It doesn’t make it easier though. I killed my own grandfather. I killed your father," I sob, looking at my own father to see if he hates me now. Leave it to me to scare off the first parent I really have.
“He was no father of mine,” my dad promises vehemently. As quickly as it came on, his anger fades and he gives me a soft smile of reassurance. “You did the right thing. Your actions saved the realm.”
My perfect kings surround me and it’s more than comforting touches. I can feel their strength, Bowen’s is the strongest, our magic intertwining and wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. Another sign that our relationship is fate. Faerie chose these four for me and I love them more than anything. We may have dove all in, but some situations are outside of our control and we can accept and embrace it or exhaust ourselves by kicking and screaming the whole time. I choose to embrace what I already felt for these four.
“Alright. I won’t dwell on it,” I agree with a strained smile. Now is the time to get our shit together, find the stone, and see what we can do to help these people. “Update me. How are the fae he froze? What of the king? Food and water for our people? Beds? Blankets? Bathtubs?” I stand and face them with determination. My knights’ faces hold a mix of pride and relief as t
hey watch me fix my metaphorical crown.
“Actually, if I may, my Queen. I found something interesting in the former king’s office," Andras speaks up from behind Jacob. We all turn to him and I gesture to the spot next to me, so he can come share what he found.
“Of course, and it’s Bella, Andras. We’ve been through enough that formalities aren’t necessary,” I remind him gently. He gives a sheepish grin before launching into an explanation. His entire face lights up as he goes on, clearly in his element. This man was made for research.
“Now, some of what I have is just theories, but the rest is from the king’s personal journal," he explains in a rush. “The king mentions that he wanted to control the entire realm, to do this he planted the seeds of war. The Dark War was due to his actions. We were all taught it was because the ‘dark courts’ eventually tired of being looked down upon and wanted respect, eventually branching into war when they wanted more power with that respect. But it's so much more than that. He mentions chaos, political moves, and even experimentation.”
“How can one man start an entire war?” Jacob asks, looking appalled.
“He convinced his people, then the Court of Autumn, that the light fae were plotting against them. Word of mouth is an incredibly powerful thing," he says. “I read through his journal, and his paranoia and mumbling got worse as the years went on. But in the beginning, he was a power hungry force to be reckoned with.”
“So, one madman on a power trip brought about the downfall of an entire realm?” Maddox asks for clarification, a look of pure disgust on his face.
“I’m sure there is more to the story, but corruption isn’t merely a human trait," I add, thinking of Allwyn’s betrayal. Emrick reaches over and squeezes my hand, picking up on my thoughts.
“Remember that Gerwyn said the king was pompous and to check the castle for the stone. I think that the stone corrupted him slowly. Not in the sense it changed him, he had to have had the traits already, but that the extra power he felt when near it drove him into madness," Andras says, looking at each of us to gauge our reactions.
“The crown had jewels," Maddox says. Jacob looks at me and I see that evil little glint in his eye. He’s about to pull a Jacob move and drive the men crazy. But behind that glint I can see his desperation for normalcy and I wouldn't fault my best friend for that.
“Bella and I will go to the outside of the ballroom. She can put out her magic and see if she feels it," he announces, jumping up and grabbing my hand. He pulls me away with a smirk.
“Unhand the Queen!” Emrick roars, jumping to his feet before we can even leave the room.
“You can join us, big guy," I reassure him, snatching his hand as I pass since Jacob’s only reaction is to laugh. I think the fact Jacob is being gentler than usual is the only reason Emrick doesn’t throw Jacob off of the tallest tower.
As Jacob leads us down the hall, I study my Autumn knight. I can feel his unease, this whole ordeal took just as much of a toll on him as it did me. And for such a protective sort, I’m sure seeing me battered and bruised wasn’t easy to take.
“I’m alright, Emrick," I promise him. He gives me an apologetic look in return. I hope he tells me more of his past sometime, I would love to know why he’s so protective.
“It may take a while to convince myself that you are. Sorry, sweetheart," he replies. “Seeing you again after all those days, it wasn’t easy.”
“What? I get no sympathy or concern? I guess this is how much I mean to you?” Jacob sighs dramatically, feigning hurt. Though the mischievous glint never leaves his silver eyes.
“Uh…I…Are you alright Prince Jacob?” He stutters over his words, eyebrows furrowing as he studies my friend. My giant warrior looks flustered and unsure. It is both comical and adorable.
“He’s teasing you," I say, laughing and swatting at Jacob. He stops walking and positions me behind him, turning to face me so I can’t see any remnants of my earlier battle. Emrick relaxes further at Jacob's actions, even giving my friend an approving nod.