Page 3 of Veiled Fae (Fractured Fae 2)
The walk through the town is different than it used to be. Now that spring has changed, morale is definitely better. It’s even better now that we have resources we can actually use. Even the hateful looks I used to get thrown my way have diminished. I’m no longer just a random outsider, I do have the abilities to make change and cure the land and they see it.
It has me even more anxious to get back to the spring lands and see what animals and changes are happening. We went a few weeks back and the change was already noticeable. It will have to wait though, I need to get to winter first, our journey is hardly finished.
Walking through the camp always takes forever, I can’t help but stop and check in with everyone. I love the sense of community we’re building, and I want to get to know the people on a personal level, to know the struggles before they become a problem. It’s a bit of a challenge because new people arrive every few days, but with the help of the council, especially Gareth, it’s going smoothly.
As I pass the center of our lands, I spot Jacob and Andras sitting together reading a book. Andras has been working tirelessly, trying to teach Jacob how to read the fae language. Their relationship is still new, but you can tell how much they care about each other already. The quick glances and the way they naturally gravitate toward each other proof that it’s an equal relationship, something he definitely lacked with his ex, Sam. I loved seeing my best friend so happy.
Continuing on, I finally spot Emrick sitting on the bridge that leads to the court of autumn. He looks so sad sitting there with his head down that my heart clenches. Without hesitation I hurry toward him. He doesn’t even look up as I snuggle in without a word, but his arm wraps around my shoulder.
“You okay, big guy?” I whisper as I look up at him.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart," he replies. Even his low voice sounds depressed. “I was just so afraid of you not being able to defend yourself, that I ended up hurting you myself. The Spirit keeps dragging you away and you get yourself in situations that don’t include me. Like climbing down a well I wasn't able to fit down. This extensive training was my way of making sure I can protect you, even when I’m not around.”
“You did your best, but I’m just not your average fighter. I didn’t need to know this on Earth, and my body, even in fae form, isn’t used to the work. I tried, but without my magic I just can’t keep up," I explain, happy he’s giving me the chance to explain more. “I love that you care enough to teach me, but I’m strong in my own way, we just need to play to those strengths. I need to be able to train with my magic, make it stronger, especially against others who don’t need it to fight.”
“Alright, I’ll try. I’m sorry I pushed you so hard," he apologizes and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head. Glad it’s behind us, I wrap my hand around his and give him a reassuring smile. He needs to know that he won’t scare me away so easily. I have thick skin, I can take his occasional grumpiness and penchant for pushing too hard. I just can’t promise my sarcastic and snarky side won’t come out.
Chapter 3
At dinner I’m being a complete creeper, gawking at them. I know we came together unexpectedly, but I couldn’t have chosen better knights to be by my side. It’s just one of those moments of clarity, realizing that I couldn’t have even made it this far without them.
After Bowen and I were bonded, I was terrified that he would feel pressured and somewhat unsure. Hell, I know I’ve had similar thoughts. When he accepted it without hesitation, and even the others said they wanted this life too, I was shocked. But I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side. Most of our people probably speculate that they volunteered because of the power and title alone. The fact that they protect me, accept me, and want to learn more about who I am, shows me just how genuine they are.
“What’s wrong, Bella?” Maddox asks. His eyebrows draw down as he looks around to see if he missed something.
“She’s just appreciating our beauty," Bowen offers with a flutter of his red lashes.
“That’s it, Bo," I roll my eyes at him and laugh to try and play it off. Of course, a traitorous blush creeps into my cheeks at being called out.
“She was totally creeping guys, it was obvious," Jacob remarks nonchalantly, like he didn’t just point out my socially awkward qualities to the others.
“Stop embarrassing the queen," Gerwyn chastises softly, and gives them all a stern look.
“I was just thinking about how our relationships were unexpected," I say with a shrug and a deeper blush.
“Are you having second thoughts?” Emrick asks. He sounds calm, but his eyes hold a storm of emotions. The others go quiet and look at me, even Jacob freezes and gapes. I can see the hurt on Bowen’s face and the worry on the others, making me realize that I should have worded that better.
“No,” I reassure them quickly, sighs of relief echoing around the table. “It worries me more that it happened so quickly, that
you’ll all start to regret it or maybe think it’s all too much… that I’m too much," I confess, looking everywhere but at them, like the coward I am. I know that I need to stop questioning it so much and just accept it. Fate has dealt me an interesting hand but at the end of the day, I’m damn lucky. Okay, maybe not the whole almost losing my best friend and being betrayed by Allwyn, but the gaining four mates and a whole realm to lead part.
Emrick doesn’t feel the need to respond with words right away, which isn’t exactly surprising. Instead he scoots his chair back before reaching over and pulling me into his lap. Nuzzling close to my ear, he nibbles at it for a second before his gravelly tone rumbles in my ear. But the physical affection settles my nerves in a way words never could.
“I lived for over a hundred years in Autumn before I left for Earth. In all of my years I have never met a woman like you. You are funny, selfless, strong-willed, and sexy. Every other woman I have ever been close to, pales in comparison. Even before the Spirits spoke to you, I could feel this connection, this pull. You’re mine, Bella. Ours," he whispers as he squeezes me tight. The raw emotion in his words have me blinking back tears, the intensity of his words filling me with a confidence and balance I haven’t felt in far too long… if ever.
Jacob chokes out a startled laugh, ruining the sweet moment. “Shoot, I think Emrick is a closet romantic. You three better watch out," he sings out. I chuckle, but don’t argue, it was really sweet. And exactly what I needed to hear.
“He’s too smooth, this is going to be tough," Maddox huffs, but gives me a wink to show he’s not upset. I think Maddox likes a good challenge, far too much to let himself be outshined. “Get it out of your system now, she’s mine this evening.”
“Fine," Bo grumbles, though Gerwyn doesn’t argue. He probably figures that it’s only fair after our morning spent in bed. The reminder of our morning activities has me squirming in Em’s lap.
“How cute. You guys actually think I’m not the most important person in her life," Jacob croons. I laugh as he jumps up and pulls me off of Emrick’s lap. Of course, I don’t bother to protest, even the guys just give resigned sighs. They’re already adjusting to Jacob’s antics, which says even more about their character. It’s obvious how much he means to me and being an ass to him would definitely not win them any points.
“I missed you, my prince," I whisper, linking my arm through his. Leaning into him as we walk feels a bit like home and I just soak it up. “How are things going with Andras?”
With all the adventuring, recovering, training, and new relationships, we haven’t had as much time to gossip. They’ve been sharing a tent since the attack, Andras helping nurse Jacob back to health. Andras has already shown him more kindness and love than his old boyfriend ever had. Sam was either stupid, or just didn’t care, and I’m just glad he’s in his past.
“Perfect," he sighs dreamily. I know that tone, he’s falling fast for our fae friend. “We are taking it slow, which I am surprisingly okay with. He’s just so attentive and sweet, it makes me feel like I matter, and more than that, I want him to feel the same. I would wait forever for this one, ya’ know? I loved Sam, or at least I convinced myself I did. But this relationship is completely different. I didn’t realize how much I hated just being taken care of. I want to feel equal and strong in my own way. He makes me feel that. I think I actually love him, Bella. And not just the affection kind of love, the forever kind.”