Page 25 of Veiled Fae (Fractured Fae 2)
“Maybe we should head back and let them know they can clean up. At least there’s enough space for sleep and bathing here," Maddox suggests, eyeing me warily. I’m not going to explode any second, but he’s looking at me like I’m a ticking bomb.
“Fine," I reply, turning and stalking off the way we came. The castle is confusing enough, without walking around with no clue how to get where we need to go. It takes about ten minutes before I’m too confused to lead. “We need a fucking map.”
“I’m sure someone can help. Hell, we have the Prince of Winter among us,” Maddox says. “Jesus, you’d think with this kind of gold he’d have invested in his fucking town.”
We both look around with distaste curling our lips. But we both know that he didn’t give a single fuck about anyone but himself. Just from looking around at the lavish decor and overly gaudy hall, I’d say he never did.
From the foyer to the ballroom the hallways, the ceilings are all high, giving them the effect of seeming bigger than they are. Each is decorated with huge tapestries and canvas paintings, silver sconces, and more accents than one space needs. Huge plush rugs line the polished stone floors that still hold a shine despite the years abandoned. Though in hindsight it wasn’t as abandoned as we assumed.
The ballroom itself I’m sure was once a sight to see. Without his assortment of frozen fae filling the room, it’s a bit easier to take in. There’s a large fireplace that showcases the crest of the royal family on a huge silver shield. It’s currently covered in dried blood, but the king apparently took care of it if the shine on the metal meant anything. The floors were inlaid with gemstones, and I’m sure every single one of them were real.
The more I see of the compound outside, the cell, and his lavish tastes in here, the more I hate that man. Any king who lives in excess enough to use expensive gems as a decoration and makes his people live in a giant compound made of stone that barely keeps the cold at bay, is an awful leader and an even worse person.
We finally make it back to the group, only getting turned around a handful of times. It was stupid to not ask the prince for help before we left. He has to have an idea where the king found food and
water. Though if someone pestered me for something like this after finding that my woman looked like a walking zombie and my daughter near death, I’d be pissed. Fuck, I don’t even know Bella’s mom and I’m pissed.
The ballroom is still in chaos when we arrive. Everyone is either unconscious still or trying to get their bearings. Kids are crying and more than a few of the survivors look out of their element.
Gerwyn and Jacob are starting to groan and move, but Bella doesn’t even twitch in her sleep. The sight of her on the floor works my last nerve and I growl, causing everyone around me to back up, parting the crowd like Moses and the Red Sea. I won’t complain, it makes my walk easier.
Scooping her up gently, I walk over to the cushioned benches and place her on one. Just to ease my own nerves I do another sweep of healing magic. The rest her body will have to heal on its own, but at least she’s internally mended, which is what’s most important. It seems the Spirits already blessed her with magic outside of Spring and Winter, so I have faith she’ll heal quickly. I just may have to find patience before then… and patience isn’t my best quality.
Holding back my frustration, I tuck her in and place a gentle kiss on her forehead. I need to get her cleaned up, at least getting the blood off of her would help settle my nerves. I turn to ask one of my brothers to assist me, but Maddox is already walking over with a bucket of soapy water and a rag. I nod my thanks and take it from him, no words needed. We all feel the same about her and the blood clearly wasn’t just fucking with me.
Taking the time to be gentle, I carefully clean the blood off of her battered face. It feels like I can truly breathe again when she starts to look more like herself.
“What have you done to me, sweetheart?” I ask, resting my head on her arm for a second before standing up to give a little order to the chaos.
I was an impenetrable, stone man before her. I shut off my emotions and lived life simply. Now she is all I think about or care about, the center of my whole world. I’d raze the realm for her in a heartbeat if she asked, though the fact she never would is proof she’s a worthy queen.
Chapter 9
I wake with a start, gasping as I sit up and glance around. The last thing I remember was passing out on Bella. After my unintentional rest, I feel much better. My muscles seem normal and my head is clear.
Panic takes over when I realize Bella is no longer next to me. Glancing around I finally spot her on a cushioned bench nearby. Emrick is taking care of her and I relax immediately at the sight.
His gentle movements have me smiling. Emrick gives off the tough warrior persona, and he is, but he is also the most nurturing one of us. I think it’s the healer side of him coming out.
Bowen sits up next to me, looking a bit more disoriented than I feel. He groans but manages to stand, looking over at Emrick before walking the opposite way without a word.
“Gerwyn, is Bella alright?” Jacob asks weakly as he sits up next to me. His eyes are barely open and he looks moments from vomiting.
“She is. Andras is back and safe as well," I reassure him, knowing that would be his next inquiry.
Jacob glances around frantically, his eyes finally landing on Andras who is talking to some of the survivors nearby.
“Andras, get your fine ass over here," Jacob yells. Andras jumps and spins around, his face a mask of elation at his boyfriend’s voice. He runs over and tackles Jacob in a hug. I laugh as Jacob grunts with the force of impact.
“I’m so glad you’re alright," Andras says, smashing his lips against Jacob’s. That’s my cue to leave. I get up and walk away, giving them privacy.
Maddox looks relieved when I walk up. “Glad to see you’re awake. I want to know everything, but I think it’s best to wait. Let’s focus on getting the necessities in here. Then I suggest we find a room to fit us all, so we can watch over our queen and speak in private," Maddox addresses me, his leader personality shining through to mask the pain I can see in his eyes. I nod my agreement as two people step forward. I recognize the King’s son immediately, but the woman I don’t. She’s frail, bony, and dirty. She looks like Bella did when the king dragged her in, and that thought unsettles me. Was she trapped just as long as the others?
“I’m Sebastian, this is Allura. We are Bella’s mother and father," the Prince says with a bow.
“Prince. Princess," I acknowledge formally with a bow in return. He waves off my formalities.