Page 48 of Fated Fae (Fractured Fae 1)
Of course, my home is no exception. More than anything I want to be able to see out into the land. Then I move onto more aesthetic things, like a large wrap around balcony to the upper floor. Satisfied with all of my additions, I slide the paper back toward him to see what he thinks.
“Impressive. I believe Gareth even found a glass maker so windows won’t be a challenge. He can find an apprentice, I’m sure.” He nods his approval as he eyes the changes to the blueprints. Then he moves onto the next, starting fresh and giving it his full attention.
Now that I’m done here, I step away and simply take a moment to look around. It’s amazing to see all of the fae, from all different courts, and even a few humans, all working together. We now have a fully functioning camp and the beginning of a leading council. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished in such a short time, and I can’t wait to see what happens as magic pours back into the land. And beyond that, I have faith in our people.
Now if I can just get these magical stones figured out.
Chapter 18
Several weeks have passed since the Spirits gave us clean food and water. The stones are still a high priority, but establishing a way of life here has to be at the top of our list. I need to know they can survive while we journey to the courts, and now after weeks of planning and functioning, we’re finally there.
Gareth and the council distributed jobs to everyone. And in the end there were very few protests. Those who did were sent back to Gareth and he found a better fit, something that seemed to shock them. I have my suspicions that a lot of it was just a test for us and not a real issue.
Brynn and Adara created a school of sorts to teach magic and fae history. Despite my age and status, I sit in on the history lessons, hoping to learn all I can about our land. Brynn also gives me private lessons in the evenings. It leaves me exhausted half of the time, but I fight through it. The more I know, the better our chances are.
Despite how smooth everything is going, I still have my guardian shadows, and we have grown impossibly close. They helped Tegan train a new batch of guards, who patrol the land on a rotation schedule so we will always be protected. They even roped off an arena of sorts for guards to spar against one another. Emrick seems to get more use out of it than the guards, but I'm not complaining. Watching him spar and train is like watching a Greek God in action. He’s all muscle and grace.
Allwyn was exiled, after a unanimous vote that was backed by the people. I used my magic to bind his, and locked him out of the portal. It drained me for a day, but I felt it was worth it. He made his choices and this was his punishment, I refused to let myself feel even a glimmer of guilt. Though we’re still unsure who his accomplice and lover is, meaning we may not be truly done with him. I also fear for future Earth travels and new fae coming in, I hope he doesn’t try to harm anyone out of spite.
I’m currently walking to another council meeting with Gerwyn, after my morning rounds to ensure everyone has everything they need. We’ve had very few issues, conflicts, or attacks, so I count that as a big win.
“Welcome, council!” I greet the other members as I join them in our usual meeting spot atop the plateau. Though now we share it with building materials and supplies. Tristan was a hard worker and it was definitely showing in his progress.
Smiles and waves are given by almost everyone as I approach, though of course Tegan just gives a quick nod of his head. For him that’s downright snuggly.
“I have an idea," Andras announces as soon as I’m seated. I raised my eyebrows and gesture for him to continue. He rarely speaks up to begin the meeting, so he must have found something good in his studies.
“I believe we can begin building the Royal Manor soon! I was looking through my old spell book and I found a spell that can create building materials out of metals, stone, and wood. It would speed along the process," he explains with an excited smile. Thank God for magic, these tents are getting old, fast.
“That would be perfect! However, the manor is last. I want homes for the people, a few trade workshops, kitchen and mess hall, and a bath house. Those are more important than my comfort, the people come first. You can move my tent, along with a few others, section by section, up here. That will create enough room to start building. Any available nature affinities and people willing to help can be reassigned to the building efforts.” I want to see more progress. Especially since our numbers keep steadily growing as more fae come through the portal every day. We definitely keep the gatekeeper busy.
“We need to find the next stone. I would like to suggest that we go to the Court of Winter next," Gerwyn says, trying to hide his hopeful smile. When I give him a smirk his smile breaks free. The last thing I’m going to tell him is no, especially after all he’s done for me. And maybe it will pull my shy knight out of his shell a bit too.
“I was actually thinking the same thing. We can leave as soon as building starts here. I’m glad the town will be protected when we go.”
“I want to go the whole way this time," Jacob announces, giving me a determined glare. I can’t blame him. He stayed behind once and Allwyn turned on me and I found four new boyfriends.
“We’ll need warmer clothes if we want to survive. Maybe a trip back into Spring to retrieve more clothing would be best? Or we can ask River what she has left. I’m not traipsing through snow in these, though," Maddox says the word snow like it was the worst thing in the world, though coming from a Summer fae, it might be.
“Calm down, Mad, we have a few days to prepare," Bowen laughs. Clearly I’m not the only one who finds him amusing. Maddox glares playfully at us both and crosses his arms. Somehow he makes it look like resignation and not a pout, though I can see right through it.
Out of all my knights, I can tell he struggles with letting me lead the most. He’s been the unofficial leader of their small group for so long that he doesn’t know how to react to me making the final decisions and deferring to a council. Some days it’s like dealing with a moody teenager.
“Do we have any maps of Winter?” Jacob asks Andras, since he’s our scholar of the group.
“We have a smaller one, but I need to visit my library," he huffs, clearly not happy with our lack of research materials. He’d chosen to stay behind before, knowing he’d be of more use here, but now I can see how badly he wants to get back to his library and check it out. I make a mental note to make that happen as soon as I can.
“A small one will do, don’t be so dramatic babe,” Jacob playfully rolls his eyes at his new boyfriend. Andras and Jacob are adorable together, and more than that, Andras genuinely looks at Jacob like an equal. That’s something I never realized that Sam failed to do.
“Bella and I'll take down her tent and put it up here. She should be up here anyway," Emrick announces, helping me stand and then leading me away. I’m not even annoyed at being dragged around, he’s more of a physical guy than a vocal one.
Emrick is probably the most protective out of the brothers. Though the others have their moments. It’s nice that they’re all so different though, it makes our group a bit more cohesive. Emrick is my strong and protective knight, Gerwyn is smart and sweet, Maddox is my safe place and always seems to know what I need before I do, and Bowen is my partner in crime and troublemaker. We make a good team and they don’t seem to mind sharing me. We haven’t made any vows out loud as a group, but it’s obvious that they’ve chosen me as their own.
“You know I don’t know how to take down that tent, right?” Giving his hand a tug, I slow down to make sure he isn’t getting ahead of himself. He’s definitely a doer, but I’m not the best partner for this project.
“I know, I just wanted alone time. You have people for that.” He winks at me and I blush. Moments later he pulls me into our tent and stalks forward, backing me up against one of the supporting poles. My lips part in a gasp and my body leans into his.
Emrick slowly leans forward and presses his lips to mine. The kiss is soft and unexpectedly gentle. He pulls back a