Page 39 of Fated Fae (Fractured Fae 1)
“Did the spirits guide you to any stones?” Gerwyn asks, his face lights up like I just gave him the best challenge of his life, a glint of pure excitement in his eyes.
“One in each court is all I got from them. Though I think I know where the Spring one is, and I’m not sure how we’re going to make that work.” I wrinkle my nose at the idea of crawling down into a nasty old well. Though at this point, it’s likely empty.
“The well?” Emrick guesses, looking equally as disgusted by the idea of crawling into it. If his mountainous form even fits in the well.
“I believe so. She said its magic would reach out to mine, and something in that well certainly did.”
Emrick stands up and ushers me into the restroom. “Get dressed, and let’s check it out. That’s what this whole journey is about. I’ll stick with you, Bella.” The promise in his voice bolsters my confidence and I give a curt nod. The others gape at his outburst and I almost start laughing.
“You spoke!” Bowen pretends to faint and Emrick reaches into his boot and launches a dagger at the wall above his head. To his credit, Bowen doesn’t even flinch.
“I speak," he rumbles, clearly not amused. A giggle escapes before I can stop it. He turns and gives me a quick smile, before turning back to his brothers with a stony expression. Somehow that just makes the whole thing even more hilarious, and the fact he only shows his sweet side to me gives me other feelings I’m not quite ready to face. The moment the spirits mentioned four kings, my heart secretly decided it would be them. But I very much doubt I’ll get a say in who the realm chooses. As long as it’s not the traitor downstairs, I’ll be okay.
“I’ve heard more words out of you since we joined the queen, than I have in thirteen years,” Maddox laughs.
“She’s special, you guys aren’t,” Emrick states plainly, completely unapologetic. He gives me a flirty smile then starts to walk through the door. “Bella, take a bath and get ready. One of you stay in here to protect her, the other two downstairs to check on the traitor," he growls out the word traitor, making him sound terrifying. Though his scary voice doesn’t take away from the warmth in my chest from his previous flirting. For once since coming here, outside of my friends, I feel like I have true allies.
Walking into the closet Gerwyn found yesterday, I look through the contents. Most of it is impractical gowns. Not exactly the attire I want for shimmying down a moss covered well and championing for the Spirits of Faerie. Whoever owned the clothes was also a decent amount taller than I am, but at least the waist seems like it will fit. Small victories.
Once I manage to get past all the frills and corsets, I find a comfortable pair of riding pants and a flowing white tunic that hangs off of the shoulders, making it cute, practical, and comfortable.
Fresh clothes in hand, I practically run to the bathroom. I can’t stand the thought of being in these nasty clothes any longer. As soon as I shut the door, I rip them off and toss them into the trash. The tub in the middle has a panel similar to the other restroom I found, putting a wrench in my plans. When I place my hand on the panel, water starts to flow. Unfortunately, it’s ice cold no matter what I try, which is not going to work for me.
Admitting defeat, I wrap a towel around myself before peeking out of the door. Bowen is laying back on the bed, looking bored as he stares up at the ceiling.
“You got babysitting duty?” I joke and he looks up. His eyes slowly make their way over my body before he snaps them back to my face. Realizing what he just did, a blush flared across his cheeks.
“I’m sorry, Bella, sometimes I forget you are a queen. That was disrespectful,” he says, looking upset.
“Don’t be sorry, I surprisingly didn’t mind. Something about you guys just feels right. Which is crazy, because I never wanted any man on Earth. Here we are only one day in and flirting like crazy. Anyway, can you help me warm the stupid bathwater?” I say with a frown, changing the subject before they think I’m a desperate little girl with all my rambling. He laughs, but looks relieved at my words.
“Of course. You know, if you wanted me to join you, you just had to ask,” he teases, walking ahead of me toward the tub.
“Shut up and fill your queen’s bathtub,” I say imperiously, using the exaggerated haughty tone to hide my laughter and lust. It’s crazy how comfortable I am with them so fast. Countless times of Jacob attempting to find me someone and apparently all it took was becoming a fae. Our connection is new, but strengthening every moment. I thought I was finding that in Allwyn, but clearly I was wrong. Being around the brothers shows me just how weak our fake connection really was. Not once have they caused me to doubt myself, quite the opposite actually, they strengthen my confidence.
“Come here and give me your hand,” he commands, holding his hand out for me to lay mine in. Without hesitation, I do as he asks and he moves our hands to place my palm under his on the panel. He leans closer to my ear to whisper into it, causing me to shiver at his warm breath tickling my neck, heat pooling between my thighs as I picture him bending me over the side of the tub. Down, girl.
“You have to turn your palm to the right, that symbol means warm. The left is cold. Then you push a little magic in it, to get it to pour out,” he continues to whisper, oblivious to what he does to me.
“It poured when I tried without magic.”
“Well, you’re also the queen of the fae, so magic is part of you.”
Once the tub is full, he finally releases my hand, taking a step back. He gives me one last intense look that sends fire shooting through my body, before walking out and closing the door behind him.
Damn, I’m like a hormonal teen. What the hell?
Leaning against the side of the tub for a moment, I try to calm my racing heart. Am I imagining this connection? I’ve always heard the fae aren't shy people, but it’s probably a myth like all the other silly things we heard over the years. I can’t deny the attraction I feel for Bowen, but I felt the same for Emrick. The knowledge that I’ll have four husbands is freeing in a way, giving me the confidence to like more than one of them.
Pushing aside my confusing feelings, I slip out of my towel and submerge myself in the gloriously warm water. I take longer than I really should, but I’m being a coward, and I’m not quite ready to face Allwyn and his deception. I’m still hurt and understandably angry.
When the water cools, I finally slide from the bathtub. Poor Bowen likely waited longer than he wanted to. Using another fluffy towel, I dry off quickly and dress in the borrowed clothing. The top fits well, and once I roll up the pant legs a few times, they fit too. Glancing in the mirror, I barely recognize myself. I’d gone from the awkward ‘cute’ girl to an elegant fae queen.
When I step out of the bathroom, Bowen is sleeping soundly, sprawled out on the bed. Keeping my footsteps light, I approach the bed and contemplate how I’m going to wake him up. He looks so peaceful, I almost don’t want to wake him.
“Fell asleep, didn’t he?” Maddox grins as he walks in. “He isn’t one for waiting. And don’t worry, Allwyn is still contained and furious. We also found your crown on your pillow downstairs. Here you go,” he says as he gently places it on my head and adjusts it until it’s perfect.
“Thank you, Maddox.”